Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Reflection for July 17, 2016

Reflection for July 17, 2016

On this 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time we, SSMN’s are celebrating the 50th Jubilee of our Sisters, Elizabeth Buchala and Roberta Fulton. The Sunday Readings are superbly appropriate . Below, I share part of an Introducti
on by Father Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P. in his series, Biblical Meditations for Ordinary Time.

The first reading from Genesis recounts:
a. The appearance of three angelic visitors, including the Lord, to the tent of Abraham and Sarah;
b. They both rush to invite the visitors into the tent and entertain them.
c. Before the visitors depart the next day there is an announcement of a “birth” which has to everything to do with do with the future of God’s relationship with Israel, the revelation of the Covenant.

The Gospel passage from Luke shows us Jesus (and his disciples, likely) arriving at the home of Martha and Mary.
a. Martha complains about doing all the chores that hospitality requires while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet.
b. Jesus confirms Martha yet does not yield to her wishes.
c. His presence, friendship ,and attention is served in both ways. Away with dualism and that which would divide! Jesus’ call (He who is The new Covenant) brings communion, the center of which tenderly welcomes Mary’s attentive contemplation, as well as doing the work of justice . It is not a matter of “either- or” but of “both- and..”

Paul is very clear in his words to the Colossians. If we are called to belong to Christ we follow him even to suffering:” filling up what is lacking” on behalf of his body, which is the church…”

Our Sisters today, at the milestone of 50 years of Consecrated Life within the Church, continue their story of God’s Presence via appearances and visitations of his Spirit along the path of faith to the Kingdom. We rejoice with them and offer our prayers of gratitude for God’s faithful Spirit alive in their hearts.

Sister Nancy



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