Friday, September 3, 2010

HE does Work in Mysterious Ways!!!!

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

Love will come and time will go.
But there is something you should know.
I can't live ... without you.
Always thought I knew it all.
Your's is not the truth to call.
Anytime ... I'm yours. Do You Wanna Be Loved~~~Sarah Brightman

I was in a bit of a melancholy mood, Tuesday, 30 August 2010. I was in an early AM employment interview, in Lockport NY. The position was for a Fleet Dispatcher in a family-run tanker business. While the pay was good, the hours would be taxing, including working holidays, and rotating between first and second shift. At 59 years old, I just did not want to be put in a position where I was 'still-paying-my-dues' by getting up at 4AM to be in Lockport at 6AM, and being 'on-call' because the 'slip-seat' operation always had drivers on duty and therefore possibly in need of dispatch directives. The Company had 10 of their own drivers that delivered locally, and had 4 company drivers that 'worked' their tanker-trucks from the Scottsville, NY base-station. Besides this, the Tanker Company, used three outside tanker-companies on a sub-contract-basis, to get THEIR customer's fuel delivered. In-effect, the candidate is going to be 'on-call', always.

In the second hour of the interview process, with the second person now interviewing me, I did something that I had NEVER EVER done before. I excused myself to the interviewer, and replied that I was Respectfully Declining the offer.

Certainly, if I was younger, and had more 'juice' in my batteries, I would have 'jumped' on the offer. But then again, I was probably called in for the interview because of what WAS on the Resume; the result of almost 35 years experience~~~and, not a greenhorn.

I was in a very glum disposition all day. It took a heart & soul conversation with my Mother-in-Law, my USMC son Philip, and a very very DEAR Friend of mine, to help me get out of my funk.

And yes, for those that are reading this and wondering about 'that', I am still wondering about 'that', too. Everybody has their priorities, and apparently being with a friend, was important than being with a husband. On many different levels, at this point, THAT is yesterday's news, as well.

So what do I find out this Wednesday, 1 September 2010, in the AM, in a conversation with Daytaun Antonetti of Americorps Buffalo; The Belle Center!?!?!? They, the Americorps Buffalo operatives got a phone-call at 4:30PM Tuesday, advising that 'funds' have 'BECOME'(what, is this an osmosis thing!) available to see AmeriCorps Buffalo through to the end of the year!! And!!! With more detail requested on the 'DIRECTIONS' of the programs already in place(like come on, how much more DETAIL do these politicos need?), there is a definite hand being held out to providing funds for AmeriCorps Buffalo to continue through 2011!!!!

During the morning of Thursday, 2 September 2010, Nestor Hernandez, the Director of The Belle Center, made an official announcement substantiating the information that was imparted the day previous by Daytuan. Funds are in place to underwrite AmeriCorps Buffalo~~~for another year!! When Nestor came to tell me, and in the process shaking my hand, my eyes starting watering. I was just so grateful.

Thank you, Lord, Jesus Christ, for prayers answered.
The Promise!!
Wednesday's Child!!!

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