Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas To ALL MY DEAR DEAR FAMILY & FRIENDS~~~and Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Angels that just seem to come out of nowhere!!

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

...A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
O night, O holy night, O night divine!
O night, O holy night, O night divine! ~~~O Holy Night: the Christmas Carol that I'm partial to. Written by Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure in 1847.

This is my effort to express to all of my Family and Friends a warmest, joyful, and fulfilling Merry Christmas. This last year has been so amazing~~~on so many levels. And I am grateful that through these many experiences I have had Family, Friends, and Our Lord to share these with.

You may recall in my "Santo" Web Log, that I included this material:

Thank you for your response to our WNYJOBS ad for a Part-Time Transportation Coordinator. We have been collecting and reviewing the candidate responses and are now reaching out to a group of individuals whose background seems suited for the position. As usual, we heard from a very diverse group and had a lot of work to do in narrowing the field. I would like to touch on a couple issues and make a couple requests before we move on to set up interviews.

1.The position is a Part-Time administrative position for the foreseeable future. And because of the part-time nature of the position, only statutory benefits are currently available. Although we are getting busier and I would love to see this change, I am asking each candidate to confirm that they understand this. As you can imagine, we are concerned about filling the position only to have someone leave us when they find full-time work.

2.Please provide us with your salary requirements and a list of references.

3.Finally, I’d like to try a little different approach to the initial interviews by asking each candidate to respond to a couple questions.

a.Please pick a specific job duty that you’ve had to perform in the past that you weren’t particularly fond of and explain why you feel that way about it.

b.Describe to us a work-related event that you were involved in where you had a great deal of fun, and explain why.

c.If you had the opportunity to work a flexible schedule, what would your preferred work schedule be, and why?

Thank you for your interest in our transportation position. We are interested in beginning interviews in the very near future so we look forward to your response and we wish you luck in the process.
"Marcus" Regoord
Vice President - Finance & Administration


1. Yes I fully understand this to be a PART-TIME position. At this juncture in my life, this is the most suitable type of employment I am seeking. Your offer is consistent with my expectations. Salary expectations would be consistent with payroll structures already in place with your Payroll; Human Resources Departments.

2a. When Airborne/D H L Express chose, in 2007, to get away from loading the very transportable and movable COCHRANE CONTAINERS, and started loading the industry-norm; "A" CONTAINERS. That decision left me to completely fend for myself. I received absolutely no support from local management to make sure that the work that, in effect, was still available for me to undertake, was done so in a humane manner. In being left to my own resources, I was reduced to the resident freak-show. With the COCHRANE(C) Containers, I could 'cheat' mother nature and take advantage of structures and apparatus around me, to get the work done. With the larger "A" Containers, where it was like going in to, and out, of a house, there were no structures or apparatus to 'lean' against, or hold onto. So I was reduced to crawling on my hands-and-knees, and doing the 'letter-sort'.

2b. The AM sort!!!!! I was in my 'element'!!!!!! I ruled!!! I was so good, the industrial-engineers that came in and 'clocked' me~~~to everybody's chagrin~~~ended up basing the Northeast Region productivity standards, on my performances. 18 parcels a minute; one every three seconds, had to be pulled from a pallet, or "C" Container, and placed on conveyor belt for driver review and extraction. Whether the parcel was 5#, 15#, 35#, or 75#~~~that was the standard that was set.

2c. My preferred flex-time schedule would be full-time days; a few days a week. That would be, as if to say, 8AM-5PM kind of thing; possibly Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Marcus~~~you have asked some 'loaded' questions. I assume I would be given a face-to-face opportunity to amplify any points and concerns you may still have.

Lou Marconi 716.578.8568 cell phone

As fate would have it, I come home Friday 17 December 2010, from endeavors, and my daughter gives my a note to advise me that Marcus Regoord called!! And normally I would have been upset that she didn't call me on my cell to get me up to speed on this, on a current basis!!!
It is like Joe Sullivan of the Buffalo Employment Training Center says~~~all you have to do---is make ONE SALE.
On Monday, 20 Dec. 2010, I'm going to return Marcus' call and thank him for follow-up interview efforts, and in effect, decline the possible offer!! You see, this one project that I have been working on throughout this year, has finally come to fruition!! My Merry Christmas!!! There have been some bumps along the way, but I started, on 13 December 2010. I walked(boy is that wishful thinking!!) in, and the Office Manager already had my punch-card in her hand~~and punching me in!!! And later in the AM, as she is trying to 'settle' me in, Charlie, from an independent organization, is calling me on my cell-phone for a 'phone-interview'. I didn't have to explain myself because Cheryl gave me the courtesy to 'take' the call.
For those whom wish to know more detail, I will discuss in email format, whom this employer is. In these "Julian Assange" days, discretion begs to be observed.

I do need to ask for some prayers from Family and Good Friends. I suspect some of this has to do with the bitterly cold weather. But 'something' is going on with me, health-wise; with my legs. I had some serious problems attempting to effect some actions~~~that had been 'routines'.

They have put a little scare in me because I have always tried to conduct myself, like the little engine, that could.

Merry Christmas; Happy New Year, and may all that has been the fulfilling moments and energies that have kept you moving forward through this year, continue to be bestowed upon you in this Blessed New Year.
The Promise

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