Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.
Goin' out of my head over you
Out of my head over you Out of my head day and night
Night and day and night, Wrong or right...GOIN' OUT OF MY HEAD~~~Little Anthony and the Imperials
On Monday 25 April, I get myself into the ECBOE, and the day is pretty much setting itself up
as any other day, at the 'grinding-wheel'. Along with my assignments, I will take a quick break to maybe check my email or reflect on the last four days of being on one hell of a roller-coaster ride, which now included the sobering fact that the Buffalo Sabres hockey team lost game-six Sunday, in front of their home-town enthusiasts, in over-time. Being that they were up, 3-2 in games, and in front of the home-town crowd, this WAS the game to win. Having to go back to Philadelphia, to win the series, was going to be one hell of an uphill battle.
And of course, above and beyond everything else, is this Sword of Damocles still hanging over
my head regarding my biopsy. I also get this OOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOO email from a friend telling me that Bob Marzullo can't make it to Buffalo for a family-wedding because he is now very sick. This turn-of-events puts a damper on a plan that is already in-progress arranging to include him in a get-together Wednesday evening @ Malone's on Delaware Avenue in Kenmore, NY. It is my intention to keep everything going regarding the rendezvous because, frankly, it just made more sense to go with the flow.
Monday is moving along, and at 2:20PM, I get a call on my cell phone. The phone number comes up on mycaller ID---and I recognize it. My heart pounds; a million thoughts are racing through my mind.
Being that it is ringing, I know I will have to answer it. I wasn't supposed to hear about this till at least Wednesday. It is Doctor Doyle's office, and I know he is not calling to invite me as a guest for a ride on his new Cessna 157 piper-cub airplane. It is my MOMENT OF TRUTH. "Hello Colleen," I opened with. She starts with..."we know how anxious you have been, we have the results; they are negative." I wanted to reach through 'the lines', and kiss her!!! I was happy, but I was getting choked up and I know she must have sensed it as I thanked her and continued through the back-and-forth conversation about blood-work follow-up, and another visit. Their continued concern is the above-normal PSA reading. When I was done with that conversation, because my cubicle gives me a little privacy, I proceeded to wipe my eyes and pulled out my blessed rosary, and put in on my desk-top, keeping it there the rest of the afternoon.
Spared of a dreaded death-sentence. I am so grateful for the so-many-prayers that were raised for me.
Tuesday 26 April, is another day of fits and starts. I mean sometimes I wonder why I even go to the playground. This is where everybody is supposed to play nice!! I know I am not going to get picked anyways. Alone again, naturally. Having a NEW LEASE ON LIFE---I decide to enjoy a couple of things, on my own!! Why not. Went over to Coronation, and said a decade of the rosary as a gesture of gratitude, in my van, across the street from the Church. Then went and got myself a banana split.
As it got into the evening, there was now a few things that I was concerned about. The Buffalo Sabres, the Chicago Blackhawks, and going out of my head. Both hockey teams were facing the seventh and deciding games in their respective series. Both lost; heart and soul emptied.
Wednesday 27 April, is glum. The News is glum, Sports is glum, and the Weather is foreboding.
While I am at the ECBOE, I am, in between my assignments, trying to still get a handle on who will be coming to Malone's. I want to at least give Malone's the courtesy of a HEAD-COUNT. And I am thinking that I may even have a couple of folks showing up early because they may want to just make sure that I am being provided a helping-hand. It is early afternoon when I call Malone's. At about 3:30PM, I check my email again, just to see if anybody may STILL be responding.
But!!! What I do have, is a WBEN Radio TORNADO-WATCH email. Great; just what I need, more complications. I have to now, make an executive decision. Certainly the rendezvous could always be rescheduled, I thought. I did not want to be having this fellowship taking place if, while we are trying to have fun, the winds are howling so bad outside that the guests are grabbing their cell phones every fifteen minutes to check home and making sure there is a roof still attached to the house. What did I do??? From the ECBOE, I called Malone's, and canceled the reservation. When I got home, I sent an email to my COMMUNITY advising that due to the anticipated inclement weather, the rendezvous at Malone's was to be postponed. Still worried about those whom may not be getting the message because they might have been out on the road all day, I sought to camp out around the Malone's area to intercept.
Well!!! Lo and behold, by 7:30PM, the disastrous weather is still NOWHERE IN SIGHT; NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Instead, a few of the group, does end up showing up @ Malone's---so we had a toned-down version of a rendezvous, anyway. It ended up being Norb Warnes, Sue McKnight, Blaine Wegrzynowski, and myself at the fellowship. It was good. Nothing insane; no sheathing of any swords!! From there I went home---caught up on a few emails, and went to bed.
I'll be damned, though. Just could not sleep.
Thursday, 28 April, was a good day. Got through work, without any incidences!! And at the ECBOE, that is an accomplishment, in its own right!! Had to get home though because I had the plumber scheduled to come over to do a wholesale roto-root of our drainage system. The measure was a preventative-maintenance one. We had on problems, but the roto-rooting hadn't been done in a while. Better to be safe, than sorry. While the plumber was doing his thing, I was taking care of some personal business. It was like the miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana. It took a while, but in the end, the bouquet was better than ever!!! I think what was helping me was this inspirational music I was absorbing on FACEBOOK!!! Along the way to exploring this music for my betterment, I found a LINK, that inspired me to do something for my little sister's birthday, Friday!! Someone had placed a LINK having to do with Van Morrison, and THEM. A light in my head, went off!!! Before the SHADOWS OF NIGHT did it, G-L-O-R-I-A; was done by THEM. I thought this would be an excellent way to contribute to the celebration of my sister Gloria's Birthday. So I got some help, because I don't know how to do this myself, in posting the THEM; G-L-O-R-I-A---LINK on her WALL.
She loved it!!!
Friday 29 April, was really one beautiful day!! It really was. Everything was in Harmony, again. It was my little sister's Birthday. And even as there was death and destruction going on all around the world, it wasn't getting any coverage---because Prince William Arthur Philip Louis & Catherine Elizabeth Middleton were getting married to become the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge!! And about 1.5 Billion people worldwide---were watching. On this particular day, England was getting all the attention.
All-in-all, it was a great Friday. It was just like feeling whole again.
I had many many things to be grateful for. I felt I had to go back, and say thank you. I feel that
the prayers that I had said in front of Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church last Thursday, had been answered. So half-way through my web-log essay on Saturday 30 April, I decide to go to the West Side Church---to say thank you. The Vietnamese priest was pretty cool. He let me in before the 4:00PM Mass to light TWO Candles, and to take photos. I was pleasantly surprised. In the renewed glory of a recent face-lift and a fresh coat of paint, years of a near-abandoned hollowed existence, The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church has found redemption as it reaches out to the burgeoning Vietnamese community of the Middle West Side. The Father Andrew Tu Minh Ngyuyen and Deacon Bob were impressed that I decided to stay to observe Mass. They are going to Love me, Upstairs!!!! Two Masses---in one week!!
Mr & Mrs Digati were so intrigued with the scooter-ed outsider, that they stopped me after Mass to inquire about who I was---and what my connection to the Church, was.
Those whom know me, know that I will go on, and on, and on!!! They loved all the details, thoroughly impressed with all the names I still remembered, and asked if I will return.
The Promise
NB: codex; A of C, and not the Articles of Confederation
...work in progress
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
1959; 59~~~and Staying Alive!!
Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.
Feel the city breakin
and everybody shakin'
and were stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive~~~Staying Alive; The Bee-Gees
So Wednesday, 20 April, I encounter another hiccup---at the ECBOE. This has happened a couple of times already, So I was kind of assuming 'everybody' in the building would be kind of on the same page---by now.
I mean, it is 5:05PM, for crying-out-loud!! What is everybody in such a hurry, for!! I get downstairs to the power-door; ramp-area to egress the building by scooter---to find that the power-door is ALREADY security-locked. In effect, I am locked in the building; gggrrr. Because this has happened before, I now have the building engineer's phone number to call so that I can get the door unlocked. Here is the kicker. I call; he answers, and assures me he is on his way. Now, this isn't is the Empire State Building!! I am a patient man, but it is 5:20PM---and still no engineer. I call the number again---no answer. Great!! Now I'm thinking that he has forgotten me~~~and went home, himself. I decide to stay put; thinking that I don't want to end up being like ships passing in the night---and miss my connection. At 5:35PM, I make another call. This time, gratefully, the call is answered. It is the engineer; profusely apologizing!! He got wrapped up in his boiler-room project, and forgot all about me. When the call concluded, he was there, unlocking the door; having had no more than a minute elapse. Finally, finding my way home.
Thursday, 21 April, was a day punctuated with emotions. The underpinning of these emotional responses was the anticipation, and the accompanying angst of the scheduled Good Friday biopsy of the prostate. Thursday is only a part-time day at the ECBOE, so I decide that I will supper at the American Legion Post, in Hamburg, NY. They have a Thursday-Night-Spaghetti-Dinner, and this is going to be the last one till September. In attending the supper, I am overwhelmed by the richness of friendship; friendship developed through reunions and these American Legion Post Casino excursions. What was presented to me were some very very thoughtful gifts; gestures of encouragement for the Friday biopsy procedure. On the one hand I was given a paper-weight with Biblical prose applied to it, and some simulated gem-stones having Faith, Laugh, Relax, and Dream etched on them. On the other hand, I was given a Rosary Prayer Booklet, and a Rosary~~~that was Blessed.
Now these gestures, in their own right, are getting me all choked up inside. When I find out that the rosary is blessed at Sts Peter & Paul Church, in Hamburg, NY---I am using my napkin to wipe away tears. You see, on the cusp of a procedure reminding us of the frailties of life, I was wisked back to the vitality of youth, and my first foster-home experience. This was 1957, when I was in first-grade and the second semester of that experience being spent at Sts Peter & Paul grade school. While this was a so-long-ago, milepost, holding the rosary in my hand had brought memories back in a vivid way, and my emotional roller-coaster ride for the evening was now only coming off its first hill.
With the supper now over, I was still looking for an 'answer'. I was still searching to hang my sense of need on a reclamation; a redemption source. In starting back home, I made my way over to the West Side. Of course, while I am on my own quest I am also aware that the many Catholic Church communities are having Holy Thursday services which includes the washing of the feet. With traffic, and my scooter situation, I am looking for a shrine-kind-of-display to do some praying; some reflecting, and finding some comfort. Where do I start?? Why not the first decade of the first set of mysteries; The Joyous Mysteries~~~The Annunciation. On-and-off, I spent 5 years of my grade-school experience there, and so I thought I would find what I was looking for. But alas, this just hadn't taken me across the threshold; given me my watershed moment. My thought was to check-out Nativity Church, because it was nearby. But then a voice said that should go to the last decade of the last mysteries; The Glorious Mysteries~~~The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. My response; sure---why not. I had 'heard' that the Church had gotten a new lease on life; that it was no longer inoperative as so many of the West Side parish churches now are. Many of these parishes are now nothing more than hollowed reminders of an era long ago, before the late sixties; early seventies mass migrations to suburbia where absentee-landlords, and urban decay---whittled away their vitality. Parishes like Holy Cross, The Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Loretto, Nativity, Annunciation, Cathedral, and Coronation were the respective linchpin to thriving Catholic, and, by-and-large Italian-American communities.
In getting to The Coronation of the BVM, while there is no visible shrine, I was very pleasantly surprised at a level of activity that I had not expected to see. Coronation had come back; come alive---big time. There were vehicles---parked all over the place. For me and my van, while I made for an 'improvised' vehicle standing-position, it was nonetheless, a place I was going to stay---to reflect, and pray.
Due largely to a very large and loyal Roman Catholic Viet-Namese immigrant population, Coronation has found a new-lease-on-life. There were many many men, women, and children hussling in for the 8:00PM Services. And I will add---they weren't attired in rice-paddy; burlap-cloth either. They were all dressed in their Sunday-best!!
In observing the new-found energy, I found myself getting immersed into an emotional baptism. Here I was, at 59 years old, sitting in front of a grade school I had attended, as a foster-child, in 1959. I was 8 years old at the time, and had so much of my life still ahead of me. And---I was happy. Even though it was a foster-home, the Lajacano's and Sansone's treated Victor and myself well. And everybody at Coronation---liked me!! I was always wearing that 'Little-Louie' smile.
In that moment of 'seeing' the 8-year-old on the one hand, and realizing, at 59, the frailty of life on the other...I lost it. I was in the van; I did not care. In my weeping, I had also found my Reclamation, and called out; "I give myself over to you, Jesus." "Whatever Your plan, I give myself to You."
I wiped my tears, made a sign of the cross, pulled myself back together, decided I was going to find out if this Church is handicap-accessible to attend, and left for home.
Friday; Good Friday, 22 April---1PM. Had the biopsy. Everything seemed to go as planned.
Will find out the results by the end of the week. The Doctor even showed me a couple of images of the sonogram. I was just amazed with all the technology involved.
By Friday evening, it went from Good Friday~~~to GREAT FRIDAY||||
All of Sabre-Nation was a-buzz!!! In the first period of overtime, Tyler Ennis, the fleet-of-foot, left-handed rookie forward took a snap wrist-shot off of a rebound on the right-side just below the face-off circle---to beat the Philadelphia Flyers 4-3. The win sends the preliminary round series back to Buffalo for game six. At this point, the Sabres are ahead---3 games to 2.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive~~~Staying Alive
The Promise
PS: It might not be---Always Sunny in Philadelphia||
"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it."
Feel the city breakin
and everybody shakin'
and were stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive~~~Staying Alive; The Bee-Gees
So Wednesday, 20 April, I encounter another hiccup---at the ECBOE. This has happened a couple of times already, So I was kind of assuming 'everybody' in the building would be kind of on the same page---by now.
I mean, it is 5:05PM, for crying-out-loud!! What is everybody in such a hurry, for!! I get downstairs to the power-door; ramp-area to egress the building by scooter---to find that the power-door is ALREADY security-locked. In effect, I am locked in the building; gggrrr. Because this has happened before, I now have the building engineer's phone number to call so that I can get the door unlocked. Here is the kicker. I call; he answers, and assures me he is on his way. Now, this isn't is the Empire State Building!! I am a patient man, but it is 5:20PM---and still no engineer. I call the number again---no answer. Great!! Now I'm thinking that he has forgotten me~~~and went home, himself. I decide to stay put; thinking that I don't want to end up being like ships passing in the night---and miss my connection. At 5:35PM, I make another call. This time, gratefully, the call is answered. It is the engineer; profusely apologizing!! He got wrapped up in his boiler-room project, and forgot all about me. When the call concluded, he was there, unlocking the door; having had no more than a minute elapse. Finally, finding my way home.
Thursday, 21 April, was a day punctuated with emotions. The underpinning of these emotional responses was the anticipation, and the accompanying angst of the scheduled Good Friday biopsy of the prostate. Thursday is only a part-time day at the ECBOE, so I decide that I will supper at the American Legion Post, in Hamburg, NY. They have a Thursday-Night-Spaghetti-Dinner, and this is going to be the last one till September. In attending the supper, I am overwhelmed by the richness of friendship; friendship developed through reunions and these American Legion Post Casino excursions. What was presented to me were some very very thoughtful gifts; gestures of encouragement for the Friday biopsy procedure. On the one hand I was given a paper-weight with Biblical prose applied to it, and some simulated gem-stones having Faith, Laugh, Relax, and Dream etched on them. On the other hand, I was given a Rosary Prayer Booklet, and a Rosary~~~that was Blessed.
Now these gestures, in their own right, are getting me all choked up inside. When I find out that the rosary is blessed at Sts Peter & Paul Church, in Hamburg, NY---I am using my napkin to wipe away tears. You see, on the cusp of a procedure reminding us of the frailties of life, I was wisked back to the vitality of youth, and my first foster-home experience. This was 1957, when I was in first-grade and the second semester of that experience being spent at Sts Peter & Paul grade school. While this was a so-long-ago, milepost, holding the rosary in my hand had brought memories back in a vivid way, and my emotional roller-coaster ride for the evening was now only coming off its first hill.
With the supper now over, I was still looking for an 'answer'. I was still searching to hang my sense of need on a reclamation; a redemption source. In starting back home, I made my way over to the West Side. Of course, while I am on my own quest I am also aware that the many Catholic Church communities are having Holy Thursday services which includes the washing of the feet. With traffic, and my scooter situation, I am looking for a shrine-kind-of-display to do some praying; some reflecting, and finding some comfort. Where do I start?? Why not the first decade of the first set of mysteries; The Joyous Mysteries~~~The Annunciation. On-and-off, I spent 5 years of my grade-school experience there, and so I thought I would find what I was looking for. But alas, this just hadn't taken me across the threshold; given me my watershed moment. My thought was to check-out Nativity Church, because it was nearby. But then a voice said that should go to the last decade of the last mysteries; The Glorious Mysteries~~~The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. My response; sure---why not. I had 'heard' that the Church had gotten a new lease on life; that it was no longer inoperative as so many of the West Side parish churches now are. Many of these parishes are now nothing more than hollowed reminders of an era long ago, before the late sixties; early seventies mass migrations to suburbia where absentee-landlords, and urban decay---whittled away their vitality. Parishes like Holy Cross, The Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Loretto, Nativity, Annunciation, Cathedral, and Coronation were the respective linchpin to thriving Catholic, and, by-and-large Italian-American communities.
In getting to The Coronation of the BVM, while there is no visible shrine, I was very pleasantly surprised at a level of activity that I had not expected to see. Coronation had come back; come alive---big time. There were vehicles---parked all over the place. For me and my van, while I made for an 'improvised' vehicle standing-position, it was nonetheless, a place I was going to stay---to reflect, and pray.
Due largely to a very large and loyal Roman Catholic Viet-Namese immigrant population, Coronation has found a new-lease-on-life. There were many many men, women, and children hussling in for the 8:00PM Services. And I will add---they weren't attired in rice-paddy; burlap-cloth either. They were all dressed in their Sunday-best!!
In observing the new-found energy, I found myself getting immersed into an emotional baptism. Here I was, at 59 years old, sitting in front of a grade school I had attended, as a foster-child, in 1959. I was 8 years old at the time, and had so much of my life still ahead of me. And---I was happy. Even though it was a foster-home, the Lajacano's and Sansone's treated Victor and myself well. And everybody at Coronation---liked me!! I was always wearing that 'Little-Louie' smile.
In that moment of 'seeing' the 8-year-old on the one hand, and realizing, at 59, the frailty of life on the other...I lost it. I was in the van; I did not care. In my weeping, I had also found my Reclamation, and called out; "I give myself over to you, Jesus." "Whatever Your plan, I give myself to You."
I wiped my tears, made a sign of the cross, pulled myself back together, decided I was going to find out if this Church is handicap-accessible to attend, and left for home.
Friday; Good Friday, 22 April---1PM. Had the biopsy. Everything seemed to go as planned.
Will find out the results by the end of the week. The Doctor even showed me a couple of images of the sonogram. I was just amazed with all the technology involved.
By Friday evening, it went from Good Friday~~~to GREAT FRIDAY||||
All of Sabre-Nation was a-buzz!!! In the first period of overtime, Tyler Ennis, the fleet-of-foot, left-handed rookie forward took a snap wrist-shot off of a rebound on the right-side just below the face-off circle---to beat the Philadelphia Flyers 4-3. The win sends the preliminary round series back to Buffalo for game six. At this point, the Sabres are ahead---3 games to 2.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive~~~Staying Alive
The Promise
PS: It might not be---Always Sunny in Philadelphia||
"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Speed Bump~~~that Rattled Me
Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.
“I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all.”
Lord Byron
Upon coming into the Board of Elections the morning of Wednesday 13 April, I proceed to my cubicle and start the ritual to get myself up-and-running for the edit/inquiry tasks of the day. In so doing, I am minding my own business and will impart a 'good-morning'---or two, along the way, to anyone who may initiate the greeting to me. It is about 08:45AM when, behind me, I hear my name called-out. In turning around to answer the call, it is brought to my attention that ring-leader Bill G. & Company have placed a SPEED-BUMP 'practical-joke' across the 'commons' area of the office. I say '& Company" because he could not have done what existed, by himself. On the floor was a line of masked tape that ran for at least eight feet between Sandy's and Chuck's desk. And---there was two pre-printed SPEED BUMP signs attached to the commons-facing panels, of two desks included in this charade.
While everybody that has now punch-in, is having a little fun with this, I am trying my hardest to deal with this in as 'light' a way, as well. Deep inside, I am upset that this kind of 'practical joke' is being done at my expense. I forced myself to chuckle as if to laugh-it-off; keeping an even-tempered disposition throughout.
In reality, I felt this was uncalled for, and deep inside, I felt I was being mocked; being bullied. First of all, because there is much pedestrian traffic, I am mindful that I have to be careful, and keep the speed setting modified to 'slow'. And secondly, because it is so laborious to mount and dismount my scooter, unplug and replug it, I keep my scooter activity to a minimum---usually just to go to the bathroom. I even only get one cup of coffee---unless Jim, or Bill N. offer to get a 'second' cup for me. And~~~because I don't want to 'flag' that I am going to the bathroom, I try to be as slow and discreet as possible with my scooter, to effect that kind of break-time activity.
How can someone even CONCEIVE to consider an action like this, and just think it is a benign 'practical joke'?? And then to take the next step---to effect it; and thence by doing so, will feel comfortable that he will get the 'community' seal-of-approval~~~just cut me to my very core.
And to have Chuck M. walk by my cubicle on his way to getting coffee, and deadpan "it is funny", was like reaching into my chest and pulling out my heart, while it is still pumping.
I shouldn't get political, but this is my journal---so I will. This Bill G, and Chuck M. are both Republican. My immediate inference to this is to see a consistency with the political affiliation and their personal disposition on people whom suggest a liability on society. Rugged individualism; self-reliance, are the tenets of this ideology. And therefore persons, as myself, are expendable---earmarked for Auschwitz.
And not to further show a validation of this line of thinking---but I will, anyway. It is by now 10:00AM, and this 'eye-sore' is still up. What was boggling my mind, was---where are the supervisors?? Usually, with the two office supervisors(there has to be a Republican affiliate, and a Democratic affiliate), and an Operations Manager, there are boots-on-the-ground---all the time. For some reason, all three are anchored at their cubicles for most of the morning. I know Cheryl was up and about, to some extent and therefore must have observed it. For some reason, probably not knowing what to do because my presence is still apparently awkward to deal with for some people, she chose to, by default, let it continue to exist.
As I am coming back from getting my morning coffee, a Democrat, Connie Z., asides-me, and asks me about the situation. I told her---Connie, I am new; I don't want to make any waves. I realize it is just a 'joke' but I feel uncomfortable; I feel that this is stepping over-the-line. After that exchange, I proceeded to my cubicle. Well God bless Connie, a veteran of many years at The BOE, who has kind of taken me under her wing,because she went into Joel L., the Operations Manager's office, and informed him of the matter.
I suspect Joel L. must have made a phone-call to the front-desk. It is about 11:15AM, and the Republican Office Supervisor, Beth B. actually comes to the SPEED BUMP area and does the physical removal of all the props. As she is doing so, I can hear her remarking that this has to be removed; it is a definite tripping hazard. It was a tripping hazard, but more acutely, it was a deliberate attempt to have fun at the expense of a disability. One might even suggest a form of harassment.
It was just after Beth had removed the day's blemish, that I was now done with my tasks and proceeded to turn that paper-work over to Joel so I could my next assignment. After exchanging the paper-work, and some small-talk, he apologized for the transgression. He appreciated me keeping an even-keeled disposition throughout the morning. In his remarks he, himself, did suggest that the action was a form of harassment. Incidentally, Joel and Connie, are Democrats. Joel has taken an appreciation to me. Not the least of which comes from a production standpoint. I just keep on cranking out~~~THE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!
Just joking; just joking!! I have to see who is paying attention. And Norb~~~sheathe your sword!! I know the political interpretation of this event has you spinning a flint stone, or two!! Actually Joel appreciates that I always have a good disposition and am always putting out envious edit/inquiry production numbers.
Wednesday, in the altogether, becomes a tough pill to swallow. I know I have to make THIS phone-call---but I don't want to. I have to call my urologist, Dr Doyle, as a follow-up to a second blood-test I was instructed to take yesterday, Tuesday, 12 April. He called me on Saturday and asked that I take a second test because the one I took on 22 February, had I high PSA reading. Why the gap in the time-line. He explained that when I took the test on the 22nd, my system was still coming off the urinary-tract infection, and the high-potency antibiotic to heal it. He wanted my system to absorb the medicines and stabilize, to get a better 'read'. So I called Dr. Doyle Wednesday, just after all this other stuff had transpired. I mean, I am amazed at how well I stood up all day, under the mental and emotional stress that existed. The Doctor's reply; gggrrr. While the PSA was lower than the 22 February blood-work, it was higher than the comfort-zone cut-off of 4. So now, I am slated for a biopsy on~~~Good Friday; 1PM. Prayers are always welcome.
So Thursday 14 April, is my half-day, as per the schedule. This is, in effect, four hours at the ECBOE. In the lay-of-the-land, so to speak, once I am settled in my cubicle, it is my back that
faces the commons area. So unless I turn around to engage somebody, the traffic otherwise
normally flows by---without comment. Note as well that since, by dress-code, every man is wearing a tie, there is no proclamations, by-and-large, of the neck wear.
In the four hours that I was on-duty, with my back to the traffic, Bill G. found a way to get my attention, twice, to initiate an 'hello Lou', and---the second time that I turned around to receive his offering, he also added; "nice tie."
I am thinking, Bill G., by one of the managers~~~was scolded.
For now, anyway, I have~~~Sheathed my Sword||||
Friday, 15 April, was a great day. It was sunny and just great to be out and about taking in the sights-and-sounds, for awhile. Ran some errands. With some company, enjoyed a Dutch Treat. And then went to my RR Trax retreat and was rewarded with The Maple Leaf Ltd passing through; N/B. As the engineer was 'flying' by, he gave me my thrill of the day; two short whistle sounds|||
The Promise
“I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all.”
Lord Byron
Upon coming into the Board of Elections the morning of Wednesday 13 April, I proceed to my cubicle and start the ritual to get myself up-and-running for the edit/inquiry tasks of the day. In so doing, I am minding my own business and will impart a 'good-morning'---or two, along the way, to anyone who may initiate the greeting to me. It is about 08:45AM when, behind me, I hear my name called-out. In turning around to answer the call, it is brought to my attention that ring-leader Bill G. & Company have placed a SPEED-BUMP 'practical-joke' across the 'commons' area of the office. I say '& Company" because he could not have done what existed, by himself. On the floor was a line of masked tape that ran for at least eight feet between Sandy's and Chuck's desk. And---there was two pre-printed SPEED BUMP signs attached to the commons-facing panels, of two desks included in this charade.

While everybody that has now punch-in, is having a little fun with this, I am trying my hardest to deal with this in as 'light' a way, as well. Deep inside, I am upset that this kind of 'practical joke' is being done at my expense. I forced myself to chuckle as if to laugh-it-off; keeping an even-tempered disposition throughout.
In reality, I felt this was uncalled for, and deep inside, I felt I was being mocked; being bullied. First of all, because there is much pedestrian traffic, I am mindful that I have to be careful, and keep the speed setting modified to 'slow'. And secondly, because it is so laborious to mount and dismount my scooter, unplug and replug it, I keep my scooter activity to a minimum---usually just to go to the bathroom. I even only get one cup of coffee---unless Jim, or Bill N. offer to get a 'second' cup for me. And~~~because I don't want to 'flag' that I am going to the bathroom, I try to be as slow and discreet as possible with my scooter, to effect that kind of break-time activity.
How can someone even CONCEIVE to consider an action like this, and just think it is a benign 'practical joke'?? And then to take the next step---to effect it; and thence by doing so, will feel comfortable that he will get the 'community' seal-of-approval~~~just cut me to my very core.
And to have Chuck M. walk by my cubicle on his way to getting coffee, and deadpan "it is funny", was like reaching into my chest and pulling out my heart, while it is still pumping.
I shouldn't get political, but this is my journal---so I will. This Bill G, and Chuck M. are both Republican. My immediate inference to this is to see a consistency with the political affiliation and their personal disposition on people whom suggest a liability on society. Rugged individualism; self-reliance, are the tenets of this ideology. And therefore persons, as myself, are expendable---earmarked for Auschwitz.
And not to further show a validation of this line of thinking---but I will, anyway. It is by now 10:00AM, and this 'eye-sore' is still up. What was boggling my mind, was---where are the supervisors?? Usually, with the two office supervisors(there has to be a Republican affiliate, and a Democratic affiliate), and an Operations Manager, there are boots-on-the-ground---all the time. For some reason, all three are anchored at their cubicles for most of the morning. I know Cheryl was up and about, to some extent and therefore must have observed it. For some reason, probably not knowing what to do because my presence is still apparently awkward to deal with for some people, she chose to, by default, let it continue to exist.
As I am coming back from getting my morning coffee, a Democrat, Connie Z., asides-me, and asks me about the situation. I told her---Connie, I am new; I don't want to make any waves. I realize it is just a 'joke' but I feel uncomfortable; I feel that this is stepping over-the-line. After that exchange, I proceeded to my cubicle. Well God bless Connie, a veteran of many years at The BOE, who has kind of taken me under her wing,because she went into Joel L., the Operations Manager's office, and informed him of the matter.
I suspect Joel L. must have made a phone-call to the front-desk. It is about 11:15AM, and the Republican Office Supervisor, Beth B. actually comes to the SPEED BUMP area and does the physical removal of all the props. As she is doing so, I can hear her remarking that this has to be removed; it is a definite tripping hazard. It was a tripping hazard, but more acutely, it was a deliberate attempt to have fun at the expense of a disability. One might even suggest a form of harassment.
It was just after Beth had removed the day's blemish, that I was now done with my tasks and proceeded to turn that paper-work over to Joel so I could my next assignment. After exchanging the paper-work, and some small-talk, he apologized for the transgression. He appreciated me keeping an even-keeled disposition throughout the morning. In his remarks he, himself, did suggest that the action was a form of harassment. Incidentally, Joel and Connie, are Democrats. Joel has taken an appreciation to me. Not the least of which comes from a production standpoint. I just keep on cranking out~~~THE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!
Just joking; just joking!! I have to see who is paying attention. And Norb~~~sheathe your sword!! I know the political interpretation of this event has you spinning a flint stone, or two!! Actually Joel appreciates that I always have a good disposition and am always putting out envious edit/inquiry production numbers.
Wednesday, in the altogether, becomes a tough pill to swallow. I know I have to make THIS phone-call---but I don't want to. I have to call my urologist, Dr Doyle, as a follow-up to a second blood-test I was instructed to take yesterday, Tuesday, 12 April. He called me on Saturday and asked that I take a second test because the one I took on 22 February, had I high PSA reading. Why the gap in the time-line. He explained that when I took the test on the 22nd, my system was still coming off the urinary-tract infection, and the high-potency antibiotic to heal it. He wanted my system to absorb the medicines and stabilize, to get a better 'read'. So I called Dr. Doyle Wednesday, just after all this other stuff had transpired. I mean, I am amazed at how well I stood up all day, under the mental and emotional stress that existed. The Doctor's reply; gggrrr. While the PSA was lower than the 22 February blood-work, it was higher than the comfort-zone cut-off of 4. So now, I am slated for a biopsy on~~~Good Friday; 1PM. Prayers are always welcome.
So Thursday 14 April, is my half-day, as per the schedule. This is, in effect, four hours at the ECBOE. In the lay-of-the-land, so to speak, once I am settled in my cubicle, it is my back that
faces the commons area. So unless I turn around to engage somebody, the traffic otherwise
normally flows by---without comment. Note as well that since, by dress-code, every man is wearing a tie, there is no proclamations, by-and-large, of the neck wear.
In the four hours that I was on-duty, with my back to the traffic, Bill G. found a way to get my attention, twice, to initiate an 'hello Lou', and---the second time that I turned around to receive his offering, he also added; "nice tie."
I am thinking, Bill G., by one of the managers~~~was scolded.
For now, anyway, I have~~~Sheathed my Sword||||
Friday, 15 April, was a great day. It was sunny and just great to be out and about taking in the sights-and-sounds, for awhile. Ran some errands. With some company, enjoyed a Dutch Treat. And then went to my RR Trax retreat and was rewarded with The Maple Leaf Ltd passing through; N/B. As the engineer was 'flying' by, he gave me my thrill of the day; two short whistle sounds|||
The Promise
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saturday 9 April, and the RR Trax Retreat
Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.
...But I'm the only one
Who'll walk across the fire for you
I'm the only one
Who'll drown in my desire for you
It's only fear that makes you run
The demons that you're hiding from
When all your promises are gone
I'm the only one~~~Melissa Etheridge; I'm The Only One
I was at The Center For The Arts on the UB North Campus Thursday evening, 7 April watching a beautiful performance of ROMEO & JULIET, by the Russian National Ballet Theatre. While only 21 years old, the ballet company demonstrated some real choreographic skill and maturity at every level of the production. What was a very nice added feature was the question & answer session that took place prior to the ballet. With this taking place on the university campus, this interactivity was a value-added benefit for everybody in attendance, including the student-body who were there as part of course requirements. For myself, the last time I had seen a production of this Shakespearean classic was the Franco Zeffirelli directed movie Romeo and Juliet in 1968,which starred Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. But getting caught-up in the drama of the two star-crossed lovers, is timeless. I found myself captivated by the trials, tribulations, and ultimate tragedy of paying the supreme price for their undeniable love. I found myself getting emotionally drawn into the intrigue by the richness of the excellent story-telling choreography.
Friday 8 April, 2011, had the Sabres in town!! And when I say Sabres---I mean the team---as well as 85 members of their Alumni. On tap was the final home-game of the regular season. The new owner Terry Pegula wanted to put a special touch on this final home game of the regular season. This was the 40th Anniversary Season, and Pegula wanted it to end~~~in style. In all, 85 Sabres players of the past attended the festivities. And ALL of the freight charges were covered by Pegula. Keep in mind, some of these players from the past, now reside in places far, far away. Pegula covered everything. The key component to this event as well, was a playoff-berth; a ticket to the Second-Season. And whom were we playing against---our perennial nemesis, Danny Beiere, and the Philadelphia Flyers.
With a hi-light-file spin-move goal late in the third period, Gerbe tied the score!! And early in over-time Thomas Vanek scored the game-winner for the Sabres whereby 18,000plus fans erupted into euphoria!! If we were to actually win The Stanley Cup~~~I couldn't even imagine!! I am thinking Moses may have to come down from the mountain; the Skyway, with another set of Ten Commandments. In the words of Cecil B. DeMille, there will be that kind of chaos, and mayhem, and other distractions.
We live in parallel/across the empty blue
We are like earth and sun/and I still circle you
Saturday~~~9 April, 2011. The Sabres play their final game of the regular season with the Columbus Blue Jackets. Paul Gaustad scored the winner late on a power play, and four other Buffalo players scored as the Sabres held on to beat the Columbus Blue Jackets 5-4 on Saturday night in the season finale for both teams.
With the game tied 3-3, Drew Stafford and Gaustad, who also had an assist, scored on a five-minute major to former Buffalo captain Craig Rivet for cross-checking Tyler Ennis.
The win should put the Sabres in position to play the Philadelphia Flyers in the first round of the playoffs. COLUMBUS, Ohio -- It's tough to find a more hated playoff rival in Buffalo than the Philadelphia Flyers. They dashed the Sabres' first chance at a Stanley Cup in 1975. More recently, they had five series in a seven-year span, with bitterness and memorable beatings on both sides throughout the late '90s and early 2000s. The teams are set to meet once again. The seventh-seeded Sabres and second-seeded Flyers, both victorious in their regular-season finales Saturday, will face off in the Eastern Conference quarterfinals this week. The Sabres finished this season 43-29-10 for 96 points, which includes a 28-11-6 record since Jan. 1. They won the Northeast Division last year but lost in the first round to Boston.
Ooooooh Aaaaaah; Sabres on The Warpath||||||||||
Codex 1226; 04092011, 1491 General Civil War, DrD.
The Promise
...But I'm the only one
Who'll walk across the fire for you
I'm the only one
Who'll drown in my desire for you
It's only fear that makes you run
The demons that you're hiding from
When all your promises are gone
I'm the only one~~~Melissa Etheridge; I'm The Only One
I was at The Center For The Arts on the UB North Campus Thursday evening, 7 April watching a beautiful performance of ROMEO & JULIET, by the Russian National Ballet Theatre. While only 21 years old, the ballet company demonstrated some real choreographic skill and maturity at every level of the production. What was a very nice added feature was the question & answer session that took place prior to the ballet. With this taking place on the university campus, this interactivity was a value-added benefit for everybody in attendance, including the student-body who were there as part of course requirements. For myself, the last time I had seen a production of this Shakespearean classic was the Franco Zeffirelli directed movie Romeo and Juliet in 1968,which starred Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. But getting caught-up in the drama of the two star-crossed lovers, is timeless. I found myself captivated by the trials, tribulations, and ultimate tragedy of paying the supreme price for their undeniable love. I found myself getting emotionally drawn into the intrigue by the richness of the excellent story-telling choreography.
Friday 8 April, 2011, had the Sabres in town!! And when I say Sabres---I mean the team---as well as 85 members of their Alumni. On tap was the final home-game of the regular season. The new owner Terry Pegula wanted to put a special touch on this final home game of the regular season. This was the 40th Anniversary Season, and Pegula wanted it to end~~~in style. In all, 85 Sabres players of the past attended the festivities. And ALL of the freight charges were covered by Pegula. Keep in mind, some of these players from the past, now reside in places far, far away. Pegula covered everything. The key component to this event as well, was a playoff-berth; a ticket to the Second-Season. And whom were we playing against---our perennial nemesis, Danny Beiere, and the Philadelphia Flyers.
With a hi-light-file spin-move goal late in the third period, Gerbe tied the score!! And early in over-time Thomas Vanek scored the game-winner for the Sabres whereby 18,000plus fans erupted into euphoria!! If we were to actually win The Stanley Cup~~~I couldn't even imagine!! I am thinking Moses may have to come down from the mountain; the Skyway, with another set of Ten Commandments. In the words of Cecil B. DeMille, there will be that kind of chaos, and mayhem, and other distractions.
We live in parallel/across the empty blue
We are like earth and sun/and I still circle you
Saturday~~~9 April, 2011. The Sabres play their final game of the regular season with the Columbus Blue Jackets. Paul Gaustad scored the winner late on a power play, and four other Buffalo players scored as the Sabres held on to beat the Columbus Blue Jackets 5-4 on Saturday night in the season finale for both teams.
With the game tied 3-3, Drew Stafford and Gaustad, who also had an assist, scored on a five-minute major to former Buffalo captain Craig Rivet for cross-checking Tyler Ennis.
The win should put the Sabres in position to play the Philadelphia Flyers in the first round of the playoffs. COLUMBUS, Ohio -- It's tough to find a more hated playoff rival in Buffalo than the Philadelphia Flyers. They dashed the Sabres' first chance at a Stanley Cup in 1975. More recently, they had five series in a seven-year span, with bitterness and memorable beatings on both sides throughout the late '90s and early 2000s. The teams are set to meet once again. The seventh-seeded Sabres and second-seeded Flyers, both victorious in their regular-season finales Saturday, will face off in the Eastern Conference quarterfinals this week. The Sabres finished this season 43-29-10 for 96 points, which includes a 28-11-6 record since Jan. 1. They won the Northeast Division last year but lost in the first round to Boston.
Ooooooh Aaaaaah; Sabres on The Warpath||||||||||
Codex 1226; 04092011, 1491 General Civil War, DrD.
The Promise
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Cyclone; not Crystal Beach~~~Fuhrmann Blvd!!
Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.
TO REACH MY GOAL~~~aspiring Frankie Valli singing "My Mother's Eyes." in a Newark, NJ nightclub, to Mr. DiCarlo
I was sitting along one of my Railroad train-tracks retreat locations on Friday afternoon of 1 April, when an overwhelming sense of nostalgia swept over me. I have no idea what was the catalyst, but I was so drawn into this recollection that my eyes
did moisten. Being consumed by this transference to childhood and innocence just swept over me. I could almost feel as though I had gone through an Alice-in- Wonderland looking glass~~~to be reliving the experience all over again.
It is the valley of life's burdens that has us know the transformation of what a moment of raw unmitigated joy can yield.
I remember when we were little kids, living on Myrtle Avenue, and then Orange Street, when our Dad would take 'us' on this one "Ride." "Come-on" he would say, and then add this question as if we were going to refuse anyways; "Yous(sic) kids wanna(sic) go for a ride!?!?" Dad didn't have to ask twice!! We were tripping over each other to see who would get into the car first; who was going to get 'windows', first. We were, in effect, leaving Mom home alone with the newborn, and there was always one of those around. But nobody seemed concerned about that~~~when Dad asked, 'the ride' question.
This would be during the Father-Baker-Bridge days of Fuhrmann Boulevard. Going W/B on Fuhrmann Blvd, just before the Father Baker Bridge, there was this elevated, and well-peaked, overpass. I'm too young to really know for sure, but I'm thinking it was Tifft Street that ran under the overpass. And when us kids got the hint that we were going to be traversing this, a huge glow of radiance would just exude from all of our faces!! As little kids, we knew that we were about to have~~~"The Time Of Our Lives!"
As my father was about to approach the Piedmont of the incline, he would "hit" the accelerator of our seen-its-day vehicle. I have no idea what make and model it was. I just knew Uncle Pat, and Uncle Louie, always had the better ones. Keep in mind now, that this is in the era before seat-belts. So in great anticipation, with baited-breath, we are watching, as one does in a roller-coaster ride, that we are making our way up the incline. With smiles on our faces Victor and I, in the front, would come forward in our seats so our hands were now up against the dashboard. This gave us a birds eye view to heighten the 'rush'. Mary & Rose would be in the back sedan seats with glee and excitement etched all over their faces as well. Mary, in particular, I remember, seemed to find these experiences almost transcendental.
Having gotten up the incline, it of course, becoming ever more evident that the speed of the vehicle is increasing. And this is essential to effect the sensation that my Dad is just as intent on pulling off, as we are looking forward to enjoying. As we are now full-throttle coming up over the crest of the overpass, our stomachs~~~are now in our throats!!! As the car is now settling back unto the undercarriage from which it has just appreciably lifted, we kids are now starting to come back into the seats from which we were part of a moment-in-time; otherworldly, suspended animation!!!
Still giggling and laughing from the afterglow, as we are now proceeding along the decline portion of the overpass, I turned to my Father saying that this was great---and then asking, "will we be coming back this way too, Dad?!?!?
These are but a few of some very very precious moments that I remember our Dad gave to us. Priceless; thank you, Dad.
I hate when a superior does this; turns you into the comparison whipping-boy---to prod others along. Especially since I am the new-kid-in-town. Everybody kind of ends up looking at you like what is 'he' trying to prove?? Especially since I am just a part-timer just trying to keep my head above water.
I am at my station Thursday, 31 March, and it is about 11AM already. I am 'other-reason' registering a multitude of ACFN(Address-Confirmation-Final-Notice) post-cards that have been returned. I have a little bit of a system going, minding my own business, and tucking these away in a rapid-fire kind of way. Intermittent throughout the area, there is this 'chatter'. Joel, the Operations Manager, just comes out and parks himself in the middle of everything and remarks---"I'd like to see this project through~~~Lou's got 187 done already."
"Great," I thought!! First of all---how the blankety-blank does he know that??? He must have a big-brother 'feed' in his computer. And secondly---I am sure that everybody is thinking wonderful things about me at this particular time; gggrrr.
I am too new to make any mountain out of this mole hill. But certainly if it should happen again, I will have to ask Joel to consider another type of motivational technique.
While still reflecting on 31 March, 2011, I must mention about this really-cool experience I had in the afternoon at the Woodward Avenue rail crossing. Along this area is this leveled gravel-path that is right along side the rail-bed. So I decided~~~sure!!! Why not!! Keep in mind that these are 'line-haul' tracks. In other words, while there is some switching that takes place on these tracks, the thoroughbreds will 'move' along these rails. Where I end up parking, my van is parallel to the tracks, and no more than two-hockey-nets away---from the rail. Being that this is Thursday in the afternoon, I have a pretty good feeling about AMTRAK. And sure enough, the Maple Leaf Ltd N/B shows up, and, with bells, whistles, and speed, the passenger train just goes by in a blur. It is just so cool to watch this high-speed mass-of-metal, and engineering, just sweep by in an effortless streak. Still mesmerized by this metal marvel I turn with it as it is passing by and continue watching it as it is now going off in the distance where it will eventually disappear.
As I have resigned myself to fact that this experience is completed, I turn around in my seat and kind of settle back into reading some of the paper when, I excitedly, get attentive again!! In the distance, on the same N/B track~~~is another set of head-lights!!! I had never actually witnessed this before. I mean, this new set of 'lights'; must be a freighter, and it MUST have just gotten the green light to enter this 'block' because the the AMTRAK was~~~just on it!! Because it is a freighter, and is just entering into this recently traveled 'block' I know she is just starting to gear-up. But I also know that because it is on a line-haul track, by the time it gets to where I am, she should be 'cranking' because she will be going through a crossing that will have traffic at a stand-still. Sure enough, with great anticipation, this 'Baby'---is finally coming. As the crossing gates are coming down, I can see that this UNION PACIFIC powered ensemble has developed some speed. As she is coming across the crossing, the bells & whistles are resonating. Just moments after the crossing is navigated, there are now four SD-40 six-axle UNION PACIFIC engines thundering by me, in a blaze of glory!! As they are whistling by, so is the rolling stock along with it. I did decide to count the units, and it was a rapid-succession-count, too. For four power-units, I was somewhat surprised. There was only 83 pieces of rolling-stock that were being pulled.
I don't know why; maybe it is the color-scheme, the UNION PACIFIC just looked more threatening as they were coming 'at me'. I have seen CSX six-axle SD-40 power-units moving along at a pretty good clip on Broadway, near the Bison Yards. It could be that I am not watching the CSX units from just twelve feet away. These 4 SD-40 UNION PACIFIC units, that I was observing on this Thursday~~~just looked foreboding and formidable.
Trains!!! Plains(inclines/declines)!!! And automobiles!!
The Promise
TO REACH MY GOAL~~~aspiring Frankie Valli singing "My Mother's Eyes." in a Newark, NJ nightclub, to Mr. DiCarlo
I was sitting along one of my Railroad train-tracks retreat locations on Friday afternoon of 1 April, when an overwhelming sense of nostalgia swept over me. I have no idea what was the catalyst, but I was so drawn into this recollection that my eyes
did moisten. Being consumed by this transference to childhood and innocence just swept over me. I could almost feel as though I had gone through an Alice-in- Wonderland looking glass~~~to be reliving the experience all over again.
It is the valley of life's burdens that has us know the transformation of what a moment of raw unmitigated joy can yield.
I remember when we were little kids, living on Myrtle Avenue, and then Orange Street, when our Dad would take 'us' on this one "Ride." "Come-on" he would say, and then add this question as if we were going to refuse anyways; "Yous(sic) kids wanna(sic) go for a ride!?!?" Dad didn't have to ask twice!! We were tripping over each other to see who would get into the car first; who was going to get 'windows', first. We were, in effect, leaving Mom home alone with the newborn, and there was always one of those around. But nobody seemed concerned about that~~~when Dad asked, 'the ride' question.
This would be during the Father-Baker-Bridge days of Fuhrmann Boulevard. Going W/B on Fuhrmann Blvd, just before the Father Baker Bridge, there was this elevated, and well-peaked, overpass. I'm too young to really know for sure, but I'm thinking it was Tifft Street that ran under the overpass. And when us kids got the hint that we were going to be traversing this, a huge glow of radiance would just exude from all of our faces!! As little kids, we knew that we were about to have~~~"The Time Of Our Lives!"
As my father was about to approach the Piedmont of the incline, he would "hit" the accelerator of our seen-its-day vehicle. I have no idea what make and model it was. I just knew Uncle Pat, and Uncle Louie, always had the better ones. Keep in mind now, that this is in the era before seat-belts. So in great anticipation, with baited-breath, we are watching, as one does in a roller-coaster ride, that we are making our way up the incline. With smiles on our faces Victor and I, in the front, would come forward in our seats so our hands were now up against the dashboard. This gave us a birds eye view to heighten the 'rush'. Mary & Rose would be in the back sedan seats with glee and excitement etched all over their faces as well. Mary, in particular, I remember, seemed to find these experiences almost transcendental.
Having gotten up the incline, it of course, becoming ever more evident that the speed of the vehicle is increasing. And this is essential to effect the sensation that my Dad is just as intent on pulling off, as we are looking forward to enjoying. As we are now full-throttle coming up over the crest of the overpass, our stomachs~~~are now in our throats!!! As the car is now settling back unto the undercarriage from which it has just appreciably lifted, we kids are now starting to come back into the seats from which we were part of a moment-in-time; otherworldly, suspended animation!!!
Still giggling and laughing from the afterglow, as we are now proceeding along the decline portion of the overpass, I turned to my Father saying that this was great---and then asking, "will we be coming back this way too, Dad?!?!?
These are but a few of some very very precious moments that I remember our Dad gave to us. Priceless; thank you, Dad.
I hate when a superior does this; turns you into the comparison whipping-boy---to prod others along. Especially since I am the new-kid-in-town. Everybody kind of ends up looking at you like what is 'he' trying to prove?? Especially since I am just a part-timer just trying to keep my head above water.
I am at my station Thursday, 31 March, and it is about 11AM already. I am 'other-reason' registering a multitude of ACFN(Address-Confirmation-Final-Notice) post-cards that have been returned. I have a little bit of a system going, minding my own business, and tucking these away in a rapid-fire kind of way. Intermittent throughout the area, there is this 'chatter'. Joel, the Operations Manager, just comes out and parks himself in the middle of everything and remarks---"I'd like to see this project through~~~Lou's got 187 done already."
"Great," I thought!! First of all---how the blankety-blank does he know that??? He must have a big-brother 'feed' in his computer. And secondly---I am sure that everybody is thinking wonderful things about me at this particular time; gggrrr.
I am too new to make any mountain out of this mole hill. But certainly if it should happen again, I will have to ask Joel to consider another type of motivational technique.
While still reflecting on 31 March, 2011, I must mention about this really-cool experience I had in the afternoon at the Woodward Avenue rail crossing. Along this area is this leveled gravel-path that is right along side the rail-bed. So I decided~~~sure!!! Why not!! Keep in mind that these are 'line-haul' tracks. In other words, while there is some switching that takes place on these tracks, the thoroughbreds will 'move' along these rails. Where I end up parking, my van is parallel to the tracks, and no more than two-hockey-nets away---from the rail. Being that this is Thursday in the afternoon, I have a pretty good feeling about AMTRAK. And sure enough, the Maple Leaf Ltd N/B shows up, and, with bells, whistles, and speed, the passenger train just goes by in a blur. It is just so cool to watch this high-speed mass-of-metal, and engineering, just sweep by in an effortless streak. Still mesmerized by this metal marvel I turn with it as it is passing by and continue watching it as it is now going off in the distance where it will eventually disappear.
As I have resigned myself to fact that this experience is completed, I turn around in my seat and kind of settle back into reading some of the paper when, I excitedly, get attentive again!! In the distance, on the same N/B track~~~is another set of head-lights!!! I had never actually witnessed this before. I mean, this new set of 'lights'; must be a freighter, and it MUST have just gotten the green light to enter this 'block' because the the AMTRAK was~~~just on it!! Because it is a freighter, and is just entering into this recently traveled 'block' I know she is just starting to gear-up. But I also know that because it is on a line-haul track, by the time it gets to where I am, she should be 'cranking' because she will be going through a crossing that will have traffic at a stand-still. Sure enough, with great anticipation, this 'Baby'---is finally coming. As the crossing gates are coming down, I can see that this UNION PACIFIC powered ensemble has developed some speed. As she is coming across the crossing, the bells & whistles are resonating. Just moments after the crossing is navigated, there are now four SD-40 six-axle UNION PACIFIC engines thundering by me, in a blaze of glory!! As they are whistling by, so is the rolling stock along with it. I did decide to count the units, and it was a rapid-succession-count, too. For four power-units, I was somewhat surprised. There was only 83 pieces of rolling-stock that were being pulled.
I don't know why; maybe it is the color-scheme, the UNION PACIFIC just looked more threatening as they were coming 'at me'. I have seen CSX six-axle SD-40 power-units moving along at a pretty good clip on Broadway, near the Bison Yards. It could be that I am not watching the CSX units from just twelve feet away. These 4 SD-40 UNION PACIFIC units, that I was observing on this Thursday~~~just looked foreboding and formidable.
Trains!!! Plains(inclines/declines)!!! And automobiles!!
The Promise
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