Thursday, April 14, 2011

Speed Bump~~~that Rattled Me

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

“I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all.”
Lord Byron

Upon coming into the Board of Elections the morning of Wednesday 13 April, I proceed to my cubicle and start the ritual to get myself up-and-running for the edit/inquiry tasks of the day. In so doing, I am minding my own business and will impart a 'good-morning'---or two, along the way, to anyone who may initiate the greeting to me. It is about 08:45AM when, behind me, I hear my name called-out. In turning around to answer the call, it is brought to my attention that ring-leader Bill G. & Company have placed a SPEED-BUMP 'practical-joke' across the 'commons' area of the office. I say '& Company" because he could not have done what existed, by himself. On the floor was a line of masked tape that ran for at least eight feet between Sandy's and Chuck's desk. And---there was two pre-printed SPEED BUMP signs attached to the commons-facing panels, of two desks included in this charade.

While everybody that has now punch-in, is having a little fun with this, I am trying my hardest to deal with this in as 'light' a way, as well. Deep inside, I am upset that this kind of 'practical joke' is being done at my expense. I forced myself to chuckle as if to laugh-it-off; keeping an even-tempered disposition throughout.

In reality, I felt this was uncalled for, and deep inside, I felt I was being mocked; being bullied. First of all, because there is much pedestrian traffic, I am mindful that I have to be careful, and keep the speed setting modified to 'slow'. And secondly, because it is so laborious to mount and dismount my scooter, unplug and replug it, I keep my scooter activity to a minimum---usually just to go to the bathroom. I even only get one cup of coffee---unless Jim, or Bill N. offer to get a 'second' cup for me. And~~~because I don't want to 'flag' that I am going to the bathroom, I try to be as slow and discreet as possible with my scooter, to effect that kind of break-time activity.

How can someone even CONCEIVE to consider an action like this, and just think it is a benign 'practical joke'?? And then to take the next step---to effect it; and thence by doing so, will feel comfortable that he will get the 'community' seal-of-approval~~~just cut me to my very core.

And to have Chuck M. walk by my cubicle on his way to getting coffee, and deadpan "it is funny", was like reaching into my chest and pulling out my heart, while it is still pumping.

I shouldn't get political, but this is my journal---so I will. This Bill G, and Chuck M. are both Republican. My immediate inference to this is to see a consistency with the political affiliation and their personal disposition on people whom suggest a liability on society. Rugged individualism; self-reliance, are the tenets of this ideology. And therefore persons, as myself, are expendable---earmarked for Auschwitz.

And not to further show a validation of this line of thinking---but I will, anyway. It is by now 10:00AM, and this 'eye-sore' is still up. What was boggling my mind, was---where are the supervisors?? Usually, with the two office supervisors(there has to be a Republican affiliate, and a Democratic affiliate), and an Operations Manager, there are boots-on-the-ground---all the time. For some reason, all three are anchored at their cubicles for most of the morning. I know Cheryl was up and about, to some extent and therefore must have observed it. For some reason, probably not knowing what to do because my presence is still apparently awkward to deal with for some people, she chose to, by default, let it continue to exist.

As I am coming back from getting my morning coffee, a Democrat, Connie Z., asides-me, and asks me about the situation. I told her---Connie, I am new; I don't want to make any waves. I realize it is just a 'joke' but I feel uncomfortable; I feel that this is stepping over-the-line. After that exchange, I proceeded to my cubicle. Well God bless Connie, a veteran of many years at The BOE, who has kind of taken me under her wing,because she went into Joel L., the Operations Manager's office, and informed him of the matter.

I suspect Joel L. must have made a phone-call to the front-desk. It is about 11:15AM, and the Republican Office Supervisor, Beth B. actually comes to the SPEED BUMP area and does the physical removal of all the props. As she is doing so, I can hear her remarking that this has to be removed; it is a definite tripping hazard. It was a tripping hazard, but more acutely, it was a deliberate attempt to have fun at the expense of a disability. One might even suggest a form of harassment.

It was just after Beth had removed the day's blemish, that I was now done with my tasks and proceeded to turn that paper-work over to Joel so I could my next assignment. After exchanging the paper-work, and some small-talk, he apologized for the transgression. He appreciated me keeping an even-keeled disposition throughout the morning. In his remarks he, himself, did suggest that the action was a form of harassment. Incidentally, Joel and Connie, are Democrats. Joel has taken an appreciation to me. Not the least of which comes from a production standpoint. I just keep on cranking out~~~THE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!

Just joking; just joking!! I have to see who is paying attention. And Norb~~~sheathe your sword!! I know the political interpretation of this event has you spinning a flint stone, or two!! Actually Joel appreciates that I always have a good disposition and am always putting out envious edit/inquiry production numbers.

Wednesday, in the altogether, becomes a tough pill to swallow. I know I have to make THIS phone-call---but I don't want to. I have to call my urologist, Dr Doyle, as a follow-up to a second blood-test I was instructed to take yesterday, Tuesday, 12 April. He called me on Saturday and asked that I take a second test because the one I took on 22 February, had I high PSA reading. Why the gap in the time-line. He explained that when I took the test on the 22nd, my system was still coming off the urinary-tract infection, and the high-potency antibiotic to heal it. He wanted my system to absorb the medicines and stabilize, to get a better 'read'. So I called Dr. Doyle Wednesday, just after all this other stuff had transpired. I mean, I am amazed at how well I stood up all day, under the mental and emotional stress that existed. The Doctor's reply; gggrrr. While the PSA was lower than the 22 February blood-work, it was higher than the comfort-zone cut-off of 4. So now, I am slated for a biopsy on~~~Good Friday; 1PM. Prayers are always welcome.

So Thursday 14 April, is my half-day, as per the schedule. This is, in effect, four hours at the ECBOE. In the lay-of-the-land, so to speak, once I am settled in my cubicle, it is my back that
faces the commons area. So unless I turn around to engage somebody, the traffic otherwise
normally flows by---without comment. Note as well that since, by dress-code, every man is wearing a tie, there is no proclamations, by-and-large, of the neck wear.

In the four hours that I was on-duty, with my back to the traffic, Bill G. found a way to get my attention, twice, to initiate an 'hello Lou', and---the second time that I turned around to receive his offering, he also added; "nice tie."

I am thinking, Bill G., by one of the managers~~~was scolded.

For now, anyway, I have~~~Sheathed my Sword||||

Friday, 15 April, was a great day. It was sunny and just great to be out and about taking in the sights-and-sounds, for awhile. Ran some errands. With some company, enjoyed a Dutch Treat. And then went to my RR Trax retreat and was rewarded with The Maple Leaf Ltd passing through; N/B. As the engineer was 'flying' by, he gave me my thrill of the day; two short whistle sounds|||

The Promise

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