Friday, May 6, 2011

Why Teachers Drink; FIND the " X "

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

Hear my silent prayer
Heed my quiet call
When the dark and blue surround you

Step into my sigh
Look inside the light
You will know that I have found you~~~Dreamcatcher; Secret Garden

As we go through our emails, we invariably find in our in-box, a FORWARD. It is one of those emails that has a life of its own because it gets moved along through a community kind of mailing---that continues to get attached to other communities, and therefore moves exponentially along. I will, on the whole, open these and respectfully take in their content.

I received one of these, this week, that tore-me-up, it was so funny. I would have to say that of all of these FORWARDS that I received to date, this one was far-and-away, the most humorous. The title of the forwarding is: WHY TEACHERS DRINK. This is ironic because this humorous forwarding would have a coincidental tie-in to one of the most profound moments in American History, and World History for that matter, that had taken place this week. What the forwarding amounted to was a series of questions that teachers had placed on tests, and the responses given by the students. A couple of the most hilarious are included below:

Attach image of Nitrate/Dayrate here

This is the image of the student naming species~~~and using arithmetic skills

The MOST outrageous to me was this one:

This is the image that just sent me over the top!!

FIND THE " X "!?!?!? Instead of going into this convoluted Geometrical evaluation, the respondent just saw it pragmatically~~~Here it is!!!! The raw simplicity of the response just had me laughing so hard, that my sides were splitting. I was actually gasping for air!!

The coincidence!?!?

Find the " X "?!?!? In real life, they did.

Attachment for the bin Laden image

The geometric question in the quiz, is a triangle shape~~~very very much as the fortified Lair that was the posh residence of Osama bin Laden, the al-Quada mastermind, ring-leader and inspiration for the many terrorist attacks, both here, and abroad. While we thought this
Ernesto "Che" Guevara-type character, was living as a hermit, in the caves somewhere along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border, we instead discover he is living in the lap of luxury~~~in downtown Abbottabad, in the outer suburban ring of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. The other irony to this geometric shape is where the "x" is placed in the quiz. It happens to be just about where the three-storied bin Laden living quarters existed in this fortified complex.

The significance of the " X "????

In a SPECIAL EDITION, on the 20 May 2011 cover of TIME Magazine, is criss-crossed, in red blood-lines~~~a photo image of Osama bin Laden.

As Richard Stengel, Managing editor of TIME Magazine essays:

"For the fourth time in [TIME Magazine's] history, we've put a red X over a face on our cover. The first time marked the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945. In 2003 we revived the X for Saddam Hussein on the occasion of the U.S.-led coalition's takeover of Baghdad. Three years later, we put it on the face of Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi, the scourge of Iraq. Now we use it to signal the death of the world's most-infamous terrorist, Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden's death is the bookend to an extraordinary decade that began with the 9/11 attacks. He lived in our imagination, in our fears and, as it turns out, in a quiet suburb of Islamabad. His death comes at a time when his influence was at a low ebb. In all the conflicts and victories of the riotous Arab Spring, no one has been chanting his name or carrying his image. But in a curious was, his death brings him back front and center, if only for a moment. It is the end of an era in some ways, but not the end of our struggle against terrorism."

From insane humor, to a dead-serious dramatic development and narrative, " X "---marked the Spot, this Week.

The Promise

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