Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Man Scorned...

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

...A man who came to my valley
A man I hardly knew
A man who came to my garden
Grew to love me

A girl I saw in a valley
A girl I hardly knew
A girl at work in her garden
Grew to love me

From the gate
He called out so kindly
"Lass, wouldst thou 'low me
Rest here, I've ridden quite far"

"Share my tea"
She bade me so gently
Oatcakes and cream
Sweet plums in a jar...Secret Garden Lyrics » A Girl In The Valley

She toils through the incessant unforgiving heat of the overhead sun. As the time laboriously crawls its way into the late afternoon, the madame of the house is still on hands and knees with the gardening and weeding that her sense of urgency has her still undertaking. It is well into summer and she wants to get the landscape of the household fine-tooth-combed.

The madame is wearing a thin gauze pullover garment for comfort. It is cotton and is stitched in a manner that allows the subtle hint of her body's silhouette and accents to be suggested. The elastic bands cinch her at the waist. And again at the top, where the garment gives her bronzed neck and shoulders to the glow of the sun.

With the garment allowing the ease of movement, the labor of the tasks that the madame is undertaking, the unforgiving sun, and the humid standing-still air, has the garment clinging to her bosom, because of the sweat that is profusely beading from her every pore.

The elastic band stitched in the gauze garment around her waist cinches the garment so that her form takes on that of the hourglass. The view offers a primal appeal that can easily have the eye resting on this subject for a very elongated 'moment'. What is left of the pullover drapes down just beyond the hindquarters and thighs. What is revealed are the bronzed shapely limbs; legs that have a glistening, glowing tinge layered over them from the sweat that is emanating from her because the sun is still high over the sky in which it is resting. The madame is kneeling prone giving her the stability on the one hand, and the mobility on the other, that is needed as she prods along with the tasks she is so immersed in.

Being otherwise barefoot, the madame's dark brunette hair is tautly drawn back so that there exists a very generous bun resting on the back of her head allowing her to easily wipe away, with the palm of her hand, the droplets of sweat that continuously bead onto her forehead.

As the man of the house comes from his activities and errands in the downtown area, he becomes keenly aware of all of the work and effort that has transpired on his property to have the landscape, and the appointments become so alive, so vibrant, and with such an eye for a balanced symmetry. And being an earthbound part of humanity, he sees as well, how spent, and yet how sensual his madame appears persevering through the day working so closely with mother-nature. Above and beyond everything else, the madame wanted to see, by the end results, that mother-nature would bestow on madame, the seal-of-approval.

The man of the house wanted to offer his seal of approval, as well.

In the driveway of their property, he presented to her, her favorite; a freshly prepared pink Rose.

As the man of the house was presenting this rose of recognition, he added; "this is to thank you for all of the work that is very evident."

With a very removed, and reserved facial expression; with no responsive warmth or glow attached to the expression at all---as my expectation anticipated, she gave a low hesitating 'thank you', turned, and Walked Away.

The Scorn; its continuation...
The Promise

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