Monday, March 30, 2015

A Successful Launch to the International 


Space Station~~~~~~PART III

A dedication web-log posting

Scott Kelly, a NASA astronaut, is the first American to make a one-year trip to space. He arrived at the International Space Station Friday with two Russians, Mikhail Kornienko, who will also remain in space for a year, and Gennady Padalka, who will stay for only six months but is on track to break the record for the most cumulative time a human has spent in  space — nearly two and a half years.  


 AN  ESSAY~~~~~~~~~~~~


The Art of The Deception;
The Soviet's ability to, for so long, give the West the Perception of their space-race dominance.

Vanise Leal and  like this.   

  • Leana Elam You should hear the Fox Folks, they are making it sound like Iran is about to bomb us out. Either or - i wonder who will be the first. Enjoy each day for it may be our last.....

  • Lou Marconi The above is the Russian Soyuz-FG rocket with Soyuz TMA-10M spacecraft aboard. This rocket has been the mainstay of the Soviet/Russian manned-space-programs---since 1967!!!!

  • Lou Marconi Since 1967!!

 Lou Marconi While the above configuration is the ONE-BOOSTER rocket, with 4 ""strap-ons""" ---- the cumulative package amounting to 20 booster-rocket engine nozzles, and 12 vernier-rocket nozzles ---- the APPEARANCE of foreboding space-dominance is evident. The Soviets, with their mythical images of space dominance had the WEST further confounded by the compounded curiosity of what really did STAR CITY; The Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Russia-----where all of the manned-launches took place----really look like??
  • Lou Marconi This Russian Soyuz-FG rocket ~~~~ has the power-pack of 940,000 lbs of thrust----at lift-off.

  • Lou Marconi Impressive~~but~~~~~not so fast

    Lou Marconi ATTACHED is a GRAPHIC of size, shape, and nozzle configuration of the most notable rockets of the US & Russian manned space programs.

    • Lou Marconi While the Russian Soyuz-GF rocket APPEARS to be formidable, ~IT EVENTUALLY MEETS ITS MATCH!!
    • Lou Marconi Right through the middle-1960's, the US Manned Space Program is still BEHIND the Soviets---and their formidable Russian Soyuz-GF rocket. At this point our successes are resting on our TITAN II rocket which is used to get the Gemini capsules in orbit. The first-stage thrust power of the TITAN II is only 300,000 lbs, at lift-off.
    • Lou Marconi THEN~~~~comes our 1967!!!
       Lou Marconi Our Saturn C-1B


      Lou Marconi Eight Rocketdyne H-l engines provide a total thrust of 1.6 million pounds---at lift-off

      • Lou Marconi Eight Rocketdyne H-l engines ~~~~ not 20; with 12 verniers of the Soviet-Mystique-Missile ~~~~ Eight Rocketdyne H-l engines ---- giving 1.6 million pounds of thrust, compared to the mythical Russian Soyuz-GF rocket with the output of only 940,000 lbs of thrust.
      • Lou Marconi AND THEN~~~~CAME THE GRAND-DADDY~~~~~OF THEM ALL!!!!

       ...with just~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5-First-Stage-Nozzles

    • Lou Marconi The SATURN C-5 rocket redefined "massive," standing 363 feet (110 meters) in height and producing a ludicrous 7.68 million pounds of thrust from the five monstrous, kerosene-gulping Rocketdyne F-1 rocket engines that made up its first stage.
      • Lou Marconi ~~~~I thought that you in particular----would appreciate this broad brush-stroke explanation of how the rocketry used by the two super-powers, and the respective visual-imagery that accompanied the propaganda, can have such an impact----on perceptions.
      • Lou Marconi this~~~~ALMOST~~~~all day.
      • Lou Marconi Leana Elam~~~~they may~~~~we have ABDICATED. Fold the PENTAGON~~~~dissolve the Department of Defense.
      • Victor Marconi Lou, you know your history
        Wow...really eye opening! Thank you for the time and effort in revealing these facts....GOOD JOB Louie! I guess it was the mystique that had me assume they had something greater than anything we had!
        • Lou Marconi!!! Yes!!! I was sucked-in, too!!! I mean----look at the IMAGE---that sets-up this dissertation, for God's sake. The damned thing LOOKS-LIKE it could send 10 cosmonauts---to Pluto---and have them back in time---for The Stanley-Cup-Finals----THIS YEAR!!


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