Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10 Sports Teams That No Longer Exist

10 Sports Teams That No Longer Exist


Longer Exist

Los Angeles Raiders


Los Angeles Raiders

Los Angeles simply isn't a great sports town. It's quite amazing that the second largest city in America doesn't even have an NFL team. But they used to. One of those teams was the Los Angeles Raiders, owned by the late Al Davis who then moved the team to Oakland where it currently resides. The highlight of the Raiders tenure in Los Angeles was the Super Bowl XI victory over Minnesota.

Los Angeles Rams

Los Angeles Rams

Another former NFL team in Los Angeles was the Rams, who moved to St. Louis in 1995 under then-owner Georgia Frontiere. The Rams never were much of a success in Los Angeles. The fan support wasn't enough to keep them around and the team didn't give the fans much reason to support them. Perhaps the most memorable moment the Los Angeles Rams had in the final years in LA was when quarterback Chris, err Jim Everett attacked Jim Rome on camera on ESPN2.


Seattle Supersonics

Seattle Supersonics

Despite the success the Supersonics had in the 1990s, it wasn't enough to keep this franchise around for much longer. In 2008, after many protests from loyal fans, the Sonics bolted for Oklahoma City of all places. The city of Seattle refused to build the team a much needed new arena, so that was the last straw.


Kansas City Athletics

Kansas City Athletics

Very few baseball fans know that Kansas City actually had a team prior to the formation of the Royals in 1969. The Athletics - now in Oakland - headed west in 1968 when owner Charles O. Finley broke a lease on a new stadium, which is now Kauffman Stadium (named after the owner that brought baseball back to KC after the A's left town).


Kansas City Kings

Kansas City Kings

The Kings haven't always played in Sacramento. Up until 1985, this franchise resided in Kansas City. The NBA hasn't returned to Kansas City since. The Kansas City Kings had some great players over the years, such as Nate Archibald and Phil Ford. They just didn't win enough games to keep the fans interested enough.


Houston Oilers

Houston Oilers

What was once a proud NFL city turned into a place not worth having a team anymore. In 1997, the Oilers moved to Memphis and then eventually Nashville two years later after realizing attendance would be higher in central Tennessee. The Oilers never won a Super Bowl, but they did win AFL championships in 1961 and 1962. The most legendary Oiler is, perhaps, quarterback Warren Moon.


Montreal Expos

Montreal Expos

When the Montreal Expos left town for Washington D.C. in 2005, only one Canadian MLB team remained (Toronto Blue Jays). It was only a matter of time before they moved to the States. Fan support was declining and the Expos ownership simply couldn't afford to spend enough to compete. Montreal is a hockey town that had a baseball team. That simply cannot work.


Milwaukee Braves

Milwaukee Braves

The Braves formerly played in Milwaukee up until 1966. They also resided in Boston until 1953. The Braves didn't hang around Milwaukee for long because they discovered Atlanta was a more thriving city, which meant higher profits. This franchise didn't have much success in terms of winning in Milwaukee, but they did have one of the game's all-time greats - Hank Aaron.


Washington Senators (Second Franchise)

Washington Senators (Second Franchise)

Can you name the current team formerly known as the Washington Senators? If you guessed the Washington Nationals, you would be incorrect. The Senators are now referred to as the Texas Rangers. In 1972, they left the District for Arlington, Texas and haven't looked back.


Washington Senators (First Franchise)

Washington Senators (First Franchise)

The other Washington Senators (before the second franchise) are now the Minnesota Twins. This Senators franchise stuck around Washington D.C. until 1961 when they relocated to the Twin Cities. This Senators franchise wasn't known for winning. They were more known for putrid play and losing.


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