Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Reflection For March 27th; EASTER SUNDAY

The wonder of the resurrection shines out in glory.   Each of the four gospel writers tells a resurrection story, though not all remember the same details.  There were angels; the seekers found an empty tomb and they arrived at daybreak yet while it was still dark.  All four remember that women arrived first and all together name five women. 
Matthew’s story tells of Mary Magdalene and the other “Mary.”  Mark adds Salome to the group.   Luke remembers Magdalene,  Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women.     John  only shares Mary Magdalene’s story.
Why did each of these women go to the tomb while it was dark, just before sunrise?     Love for Jesus impelled them to see the place where Jesus was laid, to minister to him one more time.   And when they learned from angels that he was risen, they hurried to spread the good news.
You and I are among those women who go at daybreak, out of the darkness seeking Jesus.    What is your resurrection story?   Do you feel alarmed upon finding the  tomb empty?    If you remain in that space for some moments, do you find in that darkness a stirring in your heart?

Sister Mary Fran Serafino   



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