Monday, January 11, 2010

Venture Capitalist!!!!

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, show if I'm going to be the hero in my own life. Every man dies; not Every Man Lives(William Wallace; BRAVEHEART).

So I decided to do something I have never done before in my life. I went out and purchased some common stock in the Stock Market. Sure, in the past I, or my wife and I, did some mutual-fund activity back in the pre-bubble-bursting dot-com era. But almost all of that ended up a loss, or was cashed in to cover tuition or wedding expenses. What we still have would be, frankly, considered a non-entity.

In light of this, I decide to take almost half of what was left of an AIRBORNE/D H L 401(k) retirement account of mine and make a major-league risk with it. Between D H L taking it on-the-chin financially forcing it to close, coupled with the 2007/2008 financial crash, there wasn't much left in this account to begin with. With what is in there, I have decided to do something bold.

I mean, the one thing that keeps ringing in my ear about this financial meltdown, is the question of whether somewhere in all this, is there...a 1954/I B M!?!? So sometime ago started looking at a couple of stocks in particular. And I singled that effort out to watching just one. At one point this one in particular was trading at $2.54/share. Keep in mind the name of this Company is very high visibility, and like so many others this one as well was looking to crash and burn.

Over the last several months however, it has slowly started to rebound. With this rebounding, my curiosity has increased. Then two more elements conjunct on Friday 8 Jan 2010.

The first of these additional elements is that the Belle Center has this gentleman, Michael, whom I have come to know from previous workshops, come in to do an information forum for the Americorp Youth Volunteers. These young people by-and-large are soft on investment strategies so this instructor is prepared to do an INVESTMENT AWARENESS WORKSHOP. Michael works for the UNITED WAY as a credit counselor. While he is still setting up, I flat-out ask him his opinion of my intent. He listens, nods, and gives it a cautious approval rating suggesting I purchase less than 1/2 of what my intention is. Now comes the COUP DE GRACE for me!!!! As he is now doing his Power Point Presentation, when he puts up onto the projection screen, to explain to the class how to read a financial page stock-ticker-line, Michael has This Company on the Power Point Slide to use as the example!!!

The periodical observation, the discussion, the Power-Point slide; once, twice, three-times...A Lady!!! Taking this into account with some other amazing developments in a week-end chock-full of 'moments', I time is a good time, that is why right now is the best time.

So today: the Calendar shows it as 111, as well as 011110(bar code!?!?), I went to my financial advisor and I purchased what will amount to a few hundred shares of common stock in this company. In effect, I went with my gut rather than the more conservative recommendation of Michael. Before I'm bent, folded, and tucked away, there are a couple of prayers I'd like to see answered, not the least of which would be a Loft(y) Retreat!!!

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