Friday, March 12, 2010


Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life...They don't know what to do with something so good That you wouldn't hurt them, You wouldn't hurt them if you could One of these days they're going to fall into their brew, And they'll know exactly what they did to you---In Another Time---SADE

This essay is an effort to bring to light a bit more of the work I have been involved with since Airborne/D H L closed their doors in early 2009. To get back on my feet(scooter!!!) again, I found I had to somewhat reinvent the wheel, and do a 'Rock Jones Space Rangers' course correction. The information below is a fairly accurate explanation of what I am involved with. It details the two primary objectives. The one is a long-term schematic. The other is a bit more immediate in context; May 13, 2010---to be exact.

What am I looking to accomplish here, you may be asking!?!? While The Belle Center is a non-profit---we are not asking for money???? That is a joke; at least chuckle!!! We are looking to undertake a project that will take place---for the first time---regarding The Portal Program @ The Belle Center. It is ambitious to say the least, since we are expecting to have many many tables, manned by many many representatives of private sector building trades companies, Trade Organizations, and Labor Union representatives. As a foot note here, for those of you of this Community that are, or have been affiliated, with TEAMSTERS Union Local 375, know that Michael Wach has already given me a 'verbal' that he will be participating. And certainly I was overjoyed when I learned that. The Belle Center gymnasium is big---and we are expecting to fill it!!!! The five branches of the Military, which also have been invited, will only cover a portion of the Gym floor. I know that there are those of you in this Community that run your own businesses, or are high enough in the administrative ladder where you have the influence to participate. Dave Bauer!!!! You are the ideal candidate. You own your business---and it is one of the HOTTEST businesses out there. You are involved in ecology and environment solutions. And many many of these disadvantaged and underprivileged young adults have no clue that such a 'work world' possibility exists. I am therefore politely asking that you might consider 'manning' a table that may include an exhibit and some literature to pass out. Or at least talk to me about this in more detail. I will provide cell phone numbers; the whole nine yards. And this is my appeal to the larger Community. There are so many opportunities; so many types of businesses and services that need to be brought down to their level; the level that these young adults can engage in, on a one-on-one basis, and better understand. Health care is another possibilty for 'work world' potential. With us baby-boomers aging, the health-care vocations are supposed to be the next panacea, much like the automobiles, and the steel industry was when our fathers were bringing in the daily bread. Welders, roofers, mechanics, computer and hi-tech repair, building trades---both commercial and residential, plumbers, electricians, and printers. Above and beyond everything else here people, I am trying to appeal to the sense of the social-conscience that, even as a speck of dust, may still possibly exist out there in today's business world. There is no obligation. The VOCATION TRADE FAIR is May 13, 2010. Please---consider it. Cell is 716-578-8568 Email me at

Mr. Tom Campbell;

My name is Lou Marconi and I am the Operations Specialist that is affiliated, as an Americorp 'volunteer,' with the Belle Center, 104 Maryland St. Buffalo NY 14201. We are a non-profit that tries to reach out to the underprivileged and the disadvantaged in our community. And, of course, with the continued slide in our economic climate, that community is ever increasing. I am involved in a work-in-progress initiative at the Belle Center called the Portal Program.

There are two projects we are trying to undertake. First the long term.

The objective is to get post-GED students, and Americorp Volunteers, ages 17-24---ready for the 'work world'. The agenda is three-pronged to achieve that objective. For many, we will steer them toward a junior-college, or university education. For some we will suggest the Military-option as a career possibility. For the few that are not college material, we are trying to get these individuals 'tools' in their 'toolbox' by way of vocational training workshops, on-the-job training internships, and entry-level apprenticeship programs. To achieve the skill levels the vocation-candidate will need to be ready for the "work-world," it is my responsibility for developing relationships with the Private Sector businesses and building trades, Labor Unions, and Trade Organizations to have the candidate afforded hands-on experience. Of course, if a job possibility materializes, that is icing on the cake. By way of phone-contact, one-on-one discussions, and group presentations these partnerships and joint-ventures are sought to provide the 'tools' for the candidate to become employable.

The short-term objective. We are asking that there be participation in the first ever VOCATION TRADE FAIR that will take place at The Belle Center on Thursday; May 13th from 1PM to 5PM. It is an excellent opportunity for the Buffalo West Side community, the Trade Organizations, Related companies, and The Belle Center to SHOWCASE the Opportunities that exist in the WNY area.

The Portal Program at the Belle Center is committed to providing educational, vocational, and military opportunities to all participants of the program. We understand the need in the community and are actively seeking new partners to assist us in this dire mission.

The Portal Program Director, Michael Szymanski, and myself appreciate any effort that will help get this message out to a broader base. Please allow me the opportunity to contact you for a scheduled meeting to discuss this material and how we may be able to effect the Labor and Trades Community.

May 13th!!!!!!!!!!!! It could be a great afternoon; a mini-Reunion if you will!!!!!!!!!!

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