Saturday, May 22, 2010

Personal Experience & Reflection of Jim Scime

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

...The Marine Corps that continues to deliver the last tangible items, the last pieces of him left. And the tape. The last promises he left for us, the last words we can hear repeated to remember he is always with us, promises unbroken.

Rachel Porto
23, wife of slain USMC, Johnathan Porto

I don't have a written diary; a meandering journal reflecting a life's trials and tribulations. Everything is upstairs in that mental file-box of imaginary index cards. And these cards, like life itself, aren't filed in any particular order. Something would occur in real-life, and by the magic of osmosis, a file-card would appear in my head. With Jim Scime, Class of 1969, now elevated to Bishop Fallon High School Hall of Fame stature, I'd like to share this one mental File Card.

It is February 1967; Sophomore Year. Fallon is having its Sweetheart Dance. It is a dress up affair that will be conducted at our Gymnasium which is the front building of our "sprawling" two-building Main St Campus!!!! Understand something here!! As awkward, as socially-clumsy, as non-descript as I was; call me insane, but I still wanted to attend this. In the Biblical sense; by any sense, I did not know woman yet. I made a couple of attempts with the girls I knew from my Annunciation Grade School days, but those doors closed on me. Yes I know, I'm allowed three swings, and I should have went after that third-pitch!!!

Pete Mathias and Bob Marzullo sense my discouragement. They arrange to have me escort Cathy Leahy of Dorchester Road. Please imagine a railroad track between where I lived, and Dorchester Road. You want to talk about a mismatch, this young lady was leagues above me---on so many levels. But I must immediately contribute that Cathy was a Grace-Kelly class-act throughout this whole Sweetheart Dance experience. At the time, Cathy is a Class Officer of her Lafayette High School Sophomore Class. As I recall I'm suggesting that she was the Secretary. As we settle in, she asks that I introduce her to Fallon's Sophomore Class President. Gulp!?!? OMG!!! Of course we didn't have FACEBOOK or texting back then so what was racing through my mind was more have to be ------ kidding me!?!?!?

What do I do??? What could I do???(Johnny Cash)

I got up and escorted Cathy over to the table where Jim Scime was. For me this was going to be implementing interpersonal skills(did we even use that word back then?)on a level that I here-to-fore never used. With respect to Jim Scime, he was a class-act throughout. While he was of a solid middle-class background he always treated me with class and respect. He never displayed airs-about-him or distance. Additionally, he was very engaging and conversational with Cathy. The two hit-it-off like they were officers of the same high school.

Jim, there is no doubt in my mind why you have attained what you have. I am anxiously awaiting The Dinner, 29 October 2010 @ Salvatore's Italian Gardens to learn the full extent of Your Dossier. Thank you for how you conducted yourself back then. I respect you for whom you are, and I congratulate you for all you have accomplished.
The Promise

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