Friday, May 14, 2010


Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

...O lover! O my lover,
That this should come to me!
I'd rather have the hope of you,
Ah, Love, I'd rather grope for you
Within the great abyss
Than claim another's kiss-
Alone I'd rather go my way
Throughout eternity.

Angela Morgan

The Vocational Trade Fair was a success, exceeding expectations. Of the organizations who made a commitment to participate, 20 altogether, only two ended up being no-shows. And the one, the US Navy, had to be excused!!! There was no way they were going to try to gyrate, from Cheektowaga, NY to downtown Buffalo, NY, through the security element on high alert with the Obama visit. The other no-show was the non-profit, Buffalo Blue Bike. Those who did chose to participate were sincere, genuine, and shared---in providing information to facilitate breaking the cycle of desperation, poverty, and persistent sub-standard incomes and life styles. Each in their own way represented the ability to provide a better way and achieve a better day demonstrating skill-sets to realize self-sustainability. The huge compliment of participation was volunteered by Organized Labor!!! Included in this grouping was: the IBT Local 449, the IBT Local 375,Intl Brotherhood Electrical Workers, Apollo Alliance, NYS Laborers, Buffalo Professioanl Firefighters Assoc., SEIU 1199, U.A. Plumbers & Steamfitters, Painters/Drywall Finishers & Glaziers. A couple of these Trade Unions came in with some pretty sophisticated information resources including Power-Point Presentations. Many of the Unions have in-house classroom/on-the-job training structures that develop aspirants into viable work-world candidates with marketable skill-sets. I was awstruck by the extent to which the training effort is structured and effected. As one would be observing this, one had to think: Damned!!! They didn't have this back when I was just getting started!!! The Armed Forces were invited because The Portal Program at The Belle Center sees them as a viable career option. Of the five major branches of the armed forces, three attended. They included The USCG, the US Army, and The USMC. They all seemed to appreciate being part of the effort to get young adults ready for the work-world. Two businesses from the private-sector of the economy stepped-up-to-the-plate. They were Rural Metro Ambulance Service, and S M G Controls from Cheektowaga, NY. S M G, while arriving late because of the Obama security network, made up for it by having a very detailed and informative Power-Point Presentation. Their operation manufactures some pretty sophisticated large electronic panel boards. Some level of college is required because the ability to read electrical drafts and blueprints, is essential. Finishing out the slate was the Non-Profits; West Side Ministries, Buffalo Re-Use, New Buffalo Impact Energy Efficiency, and Trocaire College with their Hospitality & Phlebotomy programs.

In making our literal first-baby-steps in this endeavor, it was by-and-large, a glowing success. The only flaw---and of course this would be an essential part of the equation---was the lack of traffic. The volume was low. There was a flurry of activity early-on when a number of GED students, exiting their AED classes for the day, came in to check out the extravaganza. Once that grouping dissipated there was only incidental traffic the rest of the afternoon. Whatever strategies The Belle Center's Public Relations apparatus did use---will have to be reviewed and reconsidered.

I opened my remarks with an impromptu, ad lib. I used the old proverbial adage referring to:
something old, something new;
something borrowed, something blue.

I referenced the 'something-blue' with The Belle Center's major color in their color scheme; blue. And while holding in my hand a this certain book, I mentioned the big blue-bird, AIR FORCE ONE, was in town---and with it the AUDACITY OF HOPE, that OBAMA might actually visit us!!! With something-borrowed, I briefly remarked how I had borrowed the West-Side, again. After growing up on the West-Side, I moved to Kenmore, and now I have come back to be a part of it, again. I even mentioned how I went to my junior prom with a girl that 'lived right down here on Efner St'. The 'something new' was to recognize all the new friends and associates that were out there on the floor and I had developed enough of a relationship with that they felt comfortable in sharing 'this' next step---with me.

And lastly---'something old'. That reference-point was specifically designed to let those old professional and personal friendships that were out there on that gym floor know, HOW IMPORTANT THEY STILL ARE, to me. I needed to thank them for being there---for me. While eying each one of them individually as I made these remarks, my focus rested with my TEAMSTERS brethren. From the outset, Mike Wach, Mike Gerviss, and Jeff Brylski were going to cover my back---and I wanted them to know that---by the eye contact. Life is a long road. It is at least a bit more palatable, when shared.

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