Monday, August 23, 2010

A Reunion, an Excursion, and Friendships

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

Just called to say: hello.
I couldn't sleep at all tonight
And I know it's late
But I couldn't wait.
My friend

Just called to let you know

I think about you ev'ry night
When I'm here alone
And you're there at home.
May be it's been crazy Neil Diamond Hello, again

A Public Thank You... Maria Mulder Herberger for the Annunciation Grade school/High School Reunion Excursion via AMTRAK to Rochester NY. This excursion's centerpiece was the all-day tour of the George Eastman House Museum.
This was followed with everybody joining in prayer, nourishment, and fellowship over supper at the Museum's Cafe.
With still time on-the-clock before our AMTRAK 283 departure home, we all took in a stroll along Rochester's Millionaires Row, and topped-it-off with a one-for-the-road, at Jines Restaurant.
Maria, simply put, the Excursion exceeded ALL expectations.

And Maria, when I say All expectations, I mean all expectations.

From LaVerne Williams Doenges: I am still in awe of yesterday. There was no disconnect from time or situations. It was as if I saw you all the day before, after the shared hugs and tears You filled an ache in my heart I didn't realize existed before yesterday - that I miss my friends here in Buffalo. Saturday, is a memory I'll always treasure and one I will hold in my heart forever.

From Carlene Zimmerman Schultz: Maria..thank you for arranging the wonderful trip to Geo Eastman Museum!!! had a wonderful time. What a hoot seeing everyone !! The Amtrak was awesome..looking forward to my trip to NYC via the train. ...again many thanks for a great day !! much love....CAS

Ann Scime Sandner: Thank you For everything and being such a wonderful person and friend! Had a great day seeing all of my Annunciation friends.

Maria Mulder Herberger: Annunciation Alumns, thank you all for such a fun and memorable day!


This was more than just being a reunion. Because the group was small; there was the 10 of us. And because there was the train-ride to Rochester, and from Rochester to Buffalo, there was the inherent quality-time to exchange conversation and engage humanity. In the process, many friendships were started, while other friendships that had existed; deepened.

I got around in a collapsible wheelchair that AMTRAK was pre-advised on, about my circumstances. They had the lift all set for me to embark and disembark with. Maria was instrumental in making that a reality for me. And everybody was very willing to pitch-in and help push me along. The formal Tour Guide, Cecil, ALWAYS made sure that Carlene had a lane for me to get through so that I was always right up in the front, whenever Cecil was ready to discuss the next point of interest.

The supper at the Cafe was great. It started off with a prayer invocation given to us by my new good friend LaVerne. Part of Annunciation's Class of 1969, she originally hailed from Buffalo, NY but over the last 10 years, has called San Diego home. She and her Husband David made for a wonderful positive mix to this group. David was always there to lend a helping hand when needed. The supper was very delicious. We ended up closing the place!!! I love when we do that!!! It tells me everybody is having a great time.

Also included were: Marietta, who was Annunciation's Class of 1969 valedictorian. There was also Lesia who added her perspectives to the mix. And there was Martha; a retired Erie County Deputy Sheriff, and still carried the badge to prove it. She had a way of 'putting' a 'slant' of many things, interjecting good humor to the conversations.

And then there is Ann Scime Sandner. Quiet; soft-spoken. But would look you in the eye and give direct and insightful reflections. I now see her as~~~a sister of mine.

Maria, you made us all FEEL like we were with you~~~in your home. Thank you for Everything!!
The Promise

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