Friday, August 6, 2010

Staying On The High Road

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

...don't stand
a devil's chance
to win my soul;
beggin~~~Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

A Reflection

How can one day be so good; and another day, go so south?

God~~~you know, you get this magazine in the mail and the COVER just tears you apart. It is dead serious material and you feel compelled to react and respond~~~on so many levels. So you do. You are like the mad-scientist!!! You are all over the place on this. Writing a letter to the editor. Jumping on the internet, and sharing this over to FACEBOOK. While on FACEBOOK, you find yourself making more commentary in the comment boxes. While doing all this, you find yourself doing some additional multi-tasking; bouncing between TABS and catching up on email. While dealing with this graphic stuff from this magazine, I get distracted by a FORWARDED e-mail. It consists of some off-color-humor and an accompanying anecdotal reflection. This one in particular; a little racy; having to do with a priest and a nun, gets me to laugh. Maybe to lighten the FACEBOOK page up a bit; I have no other reason otherwise~~~other than plain asinine stupidity, I post it on my FACEBOOK page. Now, I didn't want to take away from the dramatic effect of my wall posting, so I placed it below, as a COMMENT. I did not want the humor to get lost, so, in posting it 'below' I ended up juxta-positioning it badly. If I dropped it lower, it would have ended up on the second page. In doing all of this 'thinking', I should have acted in a more appropriate manner, realize the folly of this part of the project, and just aborted this effort to post the racy-humor. I instead, recklessly posted it.

Why, on the one hand do you put something up on FACEBOOK, championing the plight of women and young women throughout the underdeveloped countries of the world. And on the other hand, you post something that makes light of the vulnerability of women?

You know how sometimes you do things that you just do, and regret later because your thoughtlessness hurts somebody. I wish I had just thought that action through with some more quality time.

By now it is well into the afternoon, and I have to wrap things up because I have to get my Family to a Family Picnic in the SouthTowns area.

I'm now at the Picnic and things are moving along pretty well, and being very enjoyable. Heck, even though there is no sun, and the rural air is a cooler one than expected for the 31 July date, my little step-granddaughter is having the time-of-her-life continuously going on the BANZAI FALLS inflatable. As fate would have it, having been in the middle of this grouping of family, I excuse myself to attend the restroom. I JUST get in there~~~when I get a TEXT-MESSAGE jingle. I read it.

I can't possibly begin to explain the myriad of emotions that raced; literally raced, through my mind.

Among other things~~~You see YOUR WORLD crashing & burning, before your very eyes.

First thing I do is~~~ be a Man. I admit the poor judgment, and then I apologize.

For the next 45 minutes, the fly-on-the-wall had to be laughing his ass off. Keep in mind, I'm at a family picnic. We are in a rural area. And 'they' have no internet. I'm thinking~~~OMG~~~I'm Foxtrotted! And since this family gathering is large it is laid out on an acre of grass area, and I'm trying to make some things happen~~~in a scooter. As fate would have it, my wife's nephew has what I think, is an iPHONE. I have no idea, really. I was just grateful that there was something available to take some corrective action with. He tells me it has many APPS; including~~~he thinks~~~FACEBOOK. It takes like 5 minutes, but FACEBOOK boots up!!! So far, nobody is asking...'what is going on'!?!?!? So he hands me the Whatever, and walks away!! He assumes I know how to navigate through this! I'm thinking~~~OMG!? Navigating through this APPS device is all done by touching and the pushing gesture on the screen surface. First thing I have to do is to sign-on. I clumsily figure out how to find the alpha screen and then the numeric screen. I finally get the image for my Home Page. Damn!! How do I get this to the Wall Page?? So far I'm still doing this; no questions asked!?!? Somehow; I have no idea really, I get the screen to image my profile page. I must have tapped the right part of the screen and somehow~~~it came up. So I find the comment fields that need to be removed. That is right; 2 comment fields. I have evidently upset 2 persons with this off-colored humor. Foxtrot, I'm thinking. With the desk-top, I use the mouse to move the cursor over the REMOVE field~~~and click. That comment then, gets removed. I don't have that damned mouse!!! Now what do I do?!?!?

"...what a world; what a world."

As I'm winging my finger across the surfaces, I notice a red-colored DELETE field appear~~~then disappear. Foxtrot!! I thought. That has to be it; how do I get that back?!?!? I didn't want any attention brought on me on what I was doing. I mean I have a sister who I just disappointed, and I don't want to explain my stupidity to EVERYBODY. I get lucky and I get this red-colored DELETE field back again.

God I didn't care if I was DELETING my FACEBOOK acct. I just wanted to make sure that those 2 comments got deleted. I had no way of 'proofing' it. From what I could make out with the subsequent fingering of the screen surface, it appeared the comments were removed. I discreetly got the iPHONE??? back to my nephew.

And still no 'inquiring-reporters'.

In the reality of the time-space continuum, it was, in all-likelihood, seen only by the 2 people that expressed concerned. It was up for three hours~~~and in a part of Saturday where most people would have been outdoors. And certainly the aforementioned is not to diminish the error in judgment. It is to give the peace-of-mind that the reputations remained unblemished.

Heart pounding, and mind racing. When I'm wrong, God it just tears me apart because people that you love become
disappointed in you. This troubled me so much that it affecting my stomach literally all night.

From a troubled stomach~~~to a tortured soul.

Now~~~I'm working on earning back my respect, and the trust from those whose Love is being held in the balance.
The Promise

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