Saturday, November 20, 2010

Internet Service Is No Longer Responding; GGGRRR

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

Like the twilight in the road up ahead,
they don't see just where we're goin'.
And all the secrets in the Universe,
whisper in our ears
And all the years
will come and go,
take us up,
always up~~~~~Seals & Crofts - We May Never Pass This Way Again

Here is to you, John.
22 November, 2010, will remind us, once again, of one of the darkest days in American history. That, of course, is the day in 1963, when our President was assassinated. He was hardly past his first thousand days in office when John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; he was the youngest to die.

In my age-group, we were 11, 12, 13 year-old children, at the time. And even at that age one could sense a freshness, a promise, a future, in the lives we were all looking forward to grow up in. Hell, in the previous October of 1962, this Man demonstrated leadership skills that had nuclear annihilation, narrowly avoided. Around this accomplishment, we sensed an almost deity level of influence that would bestow peace, harmony, and prosperity.

I still remember that Friday afternoon of 22 November 1963, in Sister Rachel's 7th Grade class at Annunciation when Sister Augustine got on the PA system to announce Our President John Fitzgerald Kennedy had been shot. And that he would soon die of those mortal wounds. That truly was...THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.
"...Anybody here, seen my old friends Abraham, Martin, and John!?!?"

Between the dawning of the decade and the halfway mark, we saw a man reach near invincible stature as he defused a dispute that had global conflagration written all over it. We distinctly remember what we were doing on that infamous day, approximately one year later when this same man was reduced to mortal frailty by way of an assassin’s bullet. "A Chronicle"

God, I love Fridays. This Friday was no exception. I had an interesting experience while I was really trying to 'pour-it-on' at the Buffalo Employment Training Center, on 77 Goodell Street in downtown Buffalo NY.

I had encountered earlier in the week, a very very interesting employment opportunity, to respond to. And the response cut-off date wasn't till the end of the November, so I had some time to put some doodles together on it; to put a different 'angle' on me, so-to-speak, as an attention-getter. Friday, I decide, that on my NOTE-TO-SELF, I'm going to go-to-town, on it!!

With the proliferation of the INTER-NET, writing and corresponding, now has universal application; everybody is writing something; somewhere.
Now, more than ever, if you want to get somebody's attention, creative writing has to be taken to new levels.

So check this out!!! I want to get the cover letter just right. I want the cover letter to sing in four-part-harmony, how my work-world experiences blend right in and, as a result, will take The Company, and myself, to new attainment and recognition levels.

I am given two options for submittal; email, and snail mail. I decide, I'm going to do

In doing both, that means for the internet version I will have to set up an email message, with a couple of attachments(resume' & cover-letter). Regarding the email, my mind starts to think~~~OK, do I just send the per-your-instructions; blah, blah, blah email, or do I take this to the next level, too. Here is where it gets maddening!!

I must explain firstly that I have two email accounts. Among my family, friends, lovers, associates, and curiosity-seekers, I'm known on the internet as CrazieLou. And most everybody knows why, or has a somewhat-understanding, of why I still use that as my user-name.

But~~~in the work-a-day world, I must step into the phone-booth, and take on the appearance of So I crank up the gmail account, and start my flowing soliloquy of creativity, explaining why my 'attached' is all The Company needs to be looking at, as their primary candidate for the position. As I'm moving along; as the words are coming in as gazillion-dollar value-markers, this DAMNED dialogue box appears telling me the internet carrier is NO LONGER RESPONDING; and asking if I WANT TO SEND A REPORT~~~OR NOT. In haste, I clicked the NOT box, and everything DISAPPEARED. I'm in the computer-commons area of the BETC. I said a bad word. Lots of people looked at me!! I, of course, humbly and sheepishly said, sorry. Many thoughts were going through my head. Most of them centered around trying, on a rough-draft basis, to come up with some assemblance of the words, expressions, and flow of the email that I was near complete on. I mean, this email was gone!! Both the AOL tab, and the GMAIL tab~~~were no longer on the status bar. GGGRRR!!!

So I crank the GMAIL email account back up, and try to RECREATE, what I was trying to say, earlier.

Ok!! So check this out!!

As I'm starting anew with this recreation, the corner of my one eye, is noticing something!! As I'm typing, and then exercising pregnant-pauses to try to find the next million-dollar word, my minds-eye starts to think, in OVERDRIVE!! What I'm noticing, is something that raises my eyebrow, and puts a glee-smile on my face. I'm thinking OMG; OK, how do navigate this complicated GMAIL format to FIND IT!!

What I'm getting at is that I have come to see, realize, and translate as to what THIS might possibly mean. What GMAIL has~~~that the others don't have, is AUTODRAFT SAVE!!!!!!
So I'm thinking, this has got to be SAVED somewhere; but where??? There isn't a SAVED icon, like there is on the AOL account. But lo-and-behold, I found it!!! I found my original GMAIL, with the attachments, and the essay material still there!!!

So I tidied it up; put the finishing touches on the gmail, and sent it off!!

Even the little triumphs, can provide the fuel~~~for the little engine, that could!!

And incidentally~~~Sheathe Your Sword!!!!
Great Wednesday Evening get-together at Malone's!!! Annunciation, Fallon, and McMahon high school friends in attendance. As usual, it was lively!!! At one point, I was told...
The Promise

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