Saturday, November 6, 2010

November starts-up; Ebbs & Flows, But a Good Friday!

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

Life is a beautiful thing
as long as I hold the string.
I'd be a silly so and so,
if I should ever let go---I've Got The World On A String~~~Frank Sinatra

The BELOW is inspired from a closing-out segment of a radio program I was listening to this Saturday morning. Weekend-Edition-Saturday, hosted by Scott Simon. where James Kaplan, author of the Book--- 'Frank: THE VOICE', was discussing in riveting detail of the early, and sometimes not-so-pleasant, years of Frank Sinatra's life. I found it, a gripping 'read'!!

It's 1941. Robert E. Lee Prewitt has requested Army transfer and has ended up at Schofield in Hawaii. His new captain, Dana Holmes, has heard of his boxing prowess and is keen to get him to represent the company. However, 'Prew' is adamant that he doesn't box anymore, so Captain Holmes gets his subordinates to make his life a living hell. Meanwhile Sergeant Warden starts seeing the captain's wife, who has a history of seeking external relief from a troubled marriage. Prew's friend Maggio has a few altercations with the sadistic stockade Sergeant 'Fatso' Judson, and Prew begins falling in love with social club employee Lorene. Unbeknownst to anyone, the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor looms in the distance. Written by Ed Sutton

The above is the STORYLINE for the blockbuster movie, FROM HERE, TO ETERNITY.
This is the movie with the famous, and jaw-dropping, movie-trailer scene. The trailer
has leading-role actor, Burt Lancaster, and leading-role actress Deborah Kerr, in the
throes of enraptured kissing on the beach while the waves that are settling in, wash
the two passionate lovers in a glistening glow.

For his performance, as Angelo Maggio, in a supporting-role, Frank Sinatra is awarded an OSCAR.
By way of listening to Public Radio International; NPR, Saturday AM, I was privileged to learn
some fascinating material regarding Frank Sinatra~~~at least, up through the early 50s.

Apparently, by 1952, he was at~~~wit's end. His career was tail-spinning, fast. The MGM Studio
had dropped him, and his original record-label had dropped him. And there was a scene in NYC having to do with Eddie Fisher, where all the young bobby-soxers were enthralled with Eddie Fisher,
and this just tore Sinatra to pieces. According to this biographer on WEEKEND EDITION, Sinatra was so down on himself, that he was exhibiting suicidal tendencies.

A selection from the book discloses:
"...Though Sinatra was a major hit with women, his own relationships were often fraught with conflict, as was the case with Ava Gardner.

"Despair was built into the DNA of that relationship," Kaplan says. "I think that Ava had the dream that they would settle down, but deep down she never wanted to have children. And Frank was a born wanderer."

It was rumored that Sinatra had tried to take his own life over the dissolution of his relationship with Gardner.

"Let me put it this way: There were about three occasions, possibly four, when he made suicide attempts. One of the suicide attempts, and this was after Ava had left him in 1953, was extremely grave. He slit his wrist and bled a great deal, and could have died."

Sinatra would end up staging one of the greatest show-business comebacks of all time, playing the role of Angelo Maggio in, From Here to Eternity.

Columbia Pictures was involved in a project where they wanted to tell a story about military life, and the days leading up to Pearl Harbor and December 7, 1941. The name of the motion picture is: FROM HERE TO ETERNITY.

The response to the OSCAR success is captivating. He hooks up with a new record-label, and develops an instant rapport with musical arranger Nelson Riddle. In the process, he 'cuts'
"I've Got The World On A String"---and Sinatra begins doing it~~~his way!!!!!!!

So while Monday is by-and-large uneventful, Tuesday has some footnotes to it.

I take a phone call from Ursula Davis who is the Director of Operations, at VIVE la Casa. And of course, she is calling me---so I respect her willingness to disclose the information to me, rather than me having to seek it out. And I respectfully and appreciatively engage her in conversation throughout the interactivity. As discussed in earlier entries, the conversation
centers around the possible AmeriCorps Buffalo second term placement at VIVE. I'm not sure what to make of the explanation, as if to say; was it a facade, or was she being straight-up with me? As previously mentioned, VIVE has only ONE clear and present objective. It is to provide haven for the persecuted refugees that are short-term in America, until they can get the right paper-work to establish permanent residence in Canada.

Ursula explains to me that while I have 'assets', and because of that, they therefore are going to hold on to my application paperwork, they are not going to accept me at this time. I would not be a good fit because I am seeking a full-time type of term, and what VIVE is undertaking right now is more short-term, in nature.

Frankly, I have no idea, what type of program they are trying to undertake, that would be---short-term. Short-term!?!? Not likely. While I accept the reply at face-value, I'm also thinking there may be an underlying reason for the non-implicating explanation. VIVE, is the old turn-of-the-twentieth-century St. Matthew's three-floor school house. According to Ursula, the building is grand-fathered from ADA regulations. And while there is ramping to navigate a scooter to the administrative floor from the outside, they have not invested in an elevator to get a scooter to the different floors, once inside. I'm more inclined to think that the inability to 'work' the other floors, is more the 'concern' about me, than the 'new' project being 'short-term'.

I nonetheless, thanked her, and she did pass along that I could additionally use her as a reference.

And, like the little-engine-that-could, I went on to follow-up-emails, and networking-enhancements at the B E T C @
77 Goodell St. Buffalo NY!!!

After the VIVE experience, I went to vote. I'm able to park at one of the two curb-side Handicap parking slots just outside of the voting door entrance to Kenmore-West High School. One of the candidates, in suit and tie, was at the 100' mark, handing out his literature. As I'm disembarking my van, I call out to him; "You want my vote~~~help me!!!" He comes over to me and says, "sure, what do I have to do?" I tell him that once I get my scooter out of my van, he is going to have to get the 130# scooter up the eight-inch curb, so that I can operate it on the sidewalk. I added that when he gets elected he is going to have to contact the Town of Tonawanda Supervisor and do appropriate CUT-AWAYS.

Here is how mindless regular people are with the needs of those handicapped. Keep in mind~~~the universal symbol for HANDICAP, is the wheelchair. And as I'm off-loading my scooter, I'm enlightening the candidate to this irregularity. There are these parking slots, with an eight-inch-high-curb, to negotiate. Without an AID, the person in a wheel-chair or scooter, because there is no accompanying cut-away to provide ascending, must drive in the street, one-quarter-mile down the road, on Highland Parkway, to the intersection, to have access to a cut-away. I told the candidate~~~bombastic!!! While the candidate did, sadly, lose, he did give me his home phone number. He is well-known in the 'Town' and after the protocol grieving time, I will call and remind him of the issue.

And while Wednesday was by-and-large uneventful~~~
Thursday was an anniversary, that had to be recognized, if you will.

4 November 2010, is the Second Anniversary of Our USMC Corporal
Philip Marconi being home, safe & sound. A veteran of 5 years of service, and
three combat-zone deployments, we humbly thank God for His Blessings in the return. The combat zone deployments included Fallujah, Ramadi, and Helmand Province Afghanistan. Those whom were attentive, know these to be some pretty hell-hole places to be in, when having to cover each-others backs.

And Fridays; Fridays are always Good!!!!

I had a great supper with my son Andrew, Friday evening. We don't spend much time together, and when it blossoms to the level of quality-time that was realized, I relished it as a gift; a Present Moment forever treasured. I was so moved by the whole EXPERIENCE, and I hi-lighted the aforementioned, because I felt it an incredible experience, that I commented on it as a FACEBOOK wall posting. A special 'shout-out' goes out to my son Andrew, for treating the Old-Man to supper Friday Evening~~~at the STAR OF INDIA Restaurant, Delaware Ave Kenmore NY. Great food, and very spontaneous, and engaging conversations. A Father couldn't have it, any better!!!! Thank you, Andrew!

The cap-stone though, was our Daughter Erica. On Friday, she was celebrating a mile-post. She was no longer a teen-ager.
On Friday, she turned 20 Years Old. And here, as well, I had to be the good and insightful Father, that all Fathers try to be, and put something, of substance, for her to hold onto. And certainly I did, in her Birthday Card. I did not want to be remiss, so I also placed a greeting on her FACEBOOK WALL.
Erica!!! On this profound mile-marker; no longer a teen-ager, I wish you a most Blessed and Happy 20th Birthday!! It is my sincerest prayer that the bounty and blessings that are bestowed on you, continue to embrace you throughout your life. Your very essence cultivates hospitality and fellowship. Love, Dad

While I, in-effect, observed Erica's Birthday, in-absencia, her Mother was able to attend the festivities in the University of Mississippi community of Oxford, MS, in person. My sister Rose was very accommodating and opened her house and heart up to all the extravaganzas.

And Saturday!?!? Spent more time with Andrew!! This could be interesting; regular-buds!! Did the: Five-Points-Bakery, Lexington CO-OP, Wegmans; 621 Amherst St., and Home Depot---shopping circuit..
The Promise

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