Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Good, The Sad, and The Ugly~~~Sorry Hugh!!!

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

We'll find a
new way of

We'll find a way
of forgiving

There's a place for us
A time and
place for us
Hold my hand
And we're
halfway there
Hold my hand
And I'll take
you there~~~~Somehow~~~~Someday~~~~Somewhere; WEST SIDE STORY: Somewhere

I start this essay with the experience that just knocked my lights out, drained me,
knocked me for a loop this week-end. Actually there were two experiences~~~but we
are only going to discuss one of them!!! This experience drained me so much that I'm still catching my breath to where I'm just now finding the energy to put some thoughts
into essay-form.

I'm referring to my Saturday 30 October 2010 effort with a LABOR REPRESENTATIVE TRAINEE; NYS CIVIL SERVICE TEST. Keep in mind, this is for a 'trainee' position, not second-tier management. In a word, I "bombed" it. C-4 explosives would not have done a kinder; more gentle job of destroying it. Except of the civil service test that I took on 15 May 2010, where I did exemplary in, I have a terrible track-record with these. And the ugly truth on this experience is that this trend is apparently going to continue!!

It was a grueling 135 question; 6 hour test. And there really wasn't any "gimme" section. Nothing more needs to be really said here other than I continue to hinge
the possibilities of a civil service position on the results of that 15 May test. I have had two canvasses already so hopefully, enough of the topside has been whittled away, and I may find a niche, soon.

I'm going to communion this Sunday 31 October at Mass, and am making my way up the center-aisle, in my scooter. As I'm nearing the communion area, the front few pews on the left and right of the center-aisle have Family Names reserved for baptisms, and the like. The Family Name on the left gets my attention immediately. And as soon as I disclose the name, there will be those of you reading this,
whom will KNOW where this tailwind will be taking this account. The pew was reserved for the Rittling Family.
Most of us remember, as kids, the Rittling Bottling Company that used to deliver chocolate milk and white milk~~~in bottles~~~to the Catholic grade schools in the Diocese of Buffalo. It was the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo's early and modest way of trying to infuse nutrition into the diets of children. Keep in mind that this is in an era where domestic matters~~~were private matters. There were no watchdog agencies and organizations, keeping a watchful eye on household matters, as there are now. The Rittling Family, as I was growing up, had nine sons, I'm to understand. I know that at least a couple~~~went to Cardinal Dougherty High School. John Rittling was of the Class of 1966. John Rittling, whom was related to these family members at the Mass, would not see graduation in 1966. And what would happen to John, would forever redefine how high school football practices would be conducted in Erie County. Before the Rittling guidelines, practices were usually conducted in an any-goes approach. Many coaches were doing CONTACT-SCRIMMAGES on the first days of practice. John was in one of those early-on contact-practice-scrimmages. He was carrying the ball on a running play, and while tackled, had his neck broken, and was killed. I felt it appropriate, all these years later, to pay-my-respects.

Now, some good correspondence. Friday night, 29 October 2010, at Salvatore's Italian Gardens, Bishop Fallon High School had its 9th Annual Hall of Fame Dinner. What was so special this year was that two-of-our-own were to be inducted!!! Classmates that were in attendance included: Dan Privitera, Norb Warnes. Mike Padalino, Sal Scibetta, Jimmy Cousins, Donny Haefner, Dave Bauer, Peter Mathias. Blaine Wegrzynowski, Robert Grunthaner, Jim Taggart, and Joe Barrile.

Carl Albert, the high school's physics teacher, was also the Varsity Tennis Coach. He was being recognized for taking the 1968 Varsity Tennis team to the WNY All-Catholic Championships. Carl was very affable, gracious, and reminiscent in his acceptance speech. He even disclosed some of the foibles he would use to try to engage and motivate his players with!! Several of the team-mates were in attendance, and a team photo was taken by Mike Padalino~~~who came equipped with a camera.

Then who was recognized was Jimmy Scime, a Class-of-1969 graduate. His accomplishments in baseball were prolific; at the high school, the university, and the local amateur MUNY baseball levels. He holds records at all those levels. But his most recognized accomplishment is at the professional level. He is the senior managing partner of one of the most prestigious law firms in Western New York; Lipsitz, Green, Scime, and Cambria, LLP. Jimmy's remarks were so personable, friendly, and engaging to the extent you thought he was sitting right next to you at the table and carrying on a conversation this you. At one point he is imparting this reflection about his father, with his father in attendance to be able to bear witness. And I was very touched by Scime's seasoned perspective on this one recount he would share. He was trying to explain how he ended up 'choosing' Bishop Fallon High School. We all have our story, and of course, Jimmy has his. Jimmy apparently lived in the TURNER High School area and, through his Father's encouragement, it made more sense to go all the way downtown via a bus and transfer, to go to Bishop Fallon, then to walk down the street to Turner!! I have to believe~~~at 14, his thoughts about his Father, and the Turner/Fallon thing probably had a different slant! And then the Scime Family moved to the Amherst area; the Willow Ridge area of Amherst when its development was just being undertaken. Now that had to be a hike by bus, to Bishop Fallon. But this is the recount that I really enjoyed. The family aspiration of getting into Canisius High School, by way of a school-sponsored scholarship-awarding spelling-bee contest. First prize; a full-scholarship. Second prize; a partial-scholarship.

Jimmy was doing well. He was down to being one of the finalist.
The word that became Jimmy's Achilles-heel~~~therapeutic(I didn't get spell-check!!!).
Jimmy spelled it: therapotic...

The winning word he knew how the spell:
M A Y O N N A I S E.

By the way; hold the mayonnaise!!!
The Promise

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