Monday, March 14, 2011

Full Cycle of Life

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

1. You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. You
shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way. You shall speak
your words in foreign lands and all will understand. You shall see the face
of God and live.

R. Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come follow me, and I will give
you rest.

2. If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown. If
you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed. If you stand
before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that I am with you
through it all.

3. Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs. Blest are you
that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh. And if wicked men insult
and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you!~~~Josh Groban; Be Not Afraid.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011 was one of those days that had several things all rolled
into one. As a matter of fact, there was so much going on---that due to the conflict of interest, I had to decline one of the items. I was supposed to be at the Wellington Pub with my AIRBORNE/D H L Express brethren. But that simply wasn't going to happen.

For starts, it was two of my sister's birthday. So I had to make sure that the birthdays were given their proper recognition. My sisters Mary & Rose(third and fourth ranked; in a family of eight siblings, were born on the same day~~~two years apart. And as well, they represent the widest spread of the intervals between children. What can I say; Catholic Family Planning---in the 50's!!

The bigger challenge was to recognize Ash Wednesday in the sense of the solemnity it deserved, and still try to pull something off that was---overdue.

The Fallon Friends Ensemble had not really been together for awhile, now. In being the events-coordinator for much of this kind of activity, there has been a series of circumstances that seemed to become barriers for me. The weather has impeded my ability to get around. And I had been dealing with some health issues, and some life; job-transitions, etc. I was especially conscious of the fact that when Bob Marzullo was in our area during the Christmas time period, we weren't able to share any experiences, together.

Looking into the CRYSTAL BALL, I saw conflicts like March Madness, St Patty's Day, and Spring Breaks, that would only further delay a rendezvous.

For better, or worse, I decided on Wednesday 9 March 2011, at Malone's Restaurant in Kenmore NY~~~7:30PM!!!

I was thinking that if we didn't try to have a little get-together soon, it would not happen until well into April, or May.

As I stated in the emails, this was an effort to have some good friends get-together after an extended dry-spell. I realized the solemnity of the day, but I thought we could all use a little friendship, fellowship, some crazy stories, and a little laughter.

The turn-out was very good. We had many of the regulars; and some new kids on the block showed up as well. Frank Battaglia, Bishop Fallon, Class of 1970---along with his wife Mary Pat---joined in the festivities. The regulars included Barbara Barrett, Sue McKnight, Bob Grunthaner, Carm Panaro, Norb Warnes, Blaine Wegs, myself, and My Scooter!! Everybody had a great time|||| And we only had a couple of 'sheathe-your-swords' moments|||

Thursday, 10 March, I was involved in the selection-process for my wife's replacement transportation. The car she did have, and had developed a bit of an attachment to, had been in an accident---and had subsequently been rendered as; totaled.
There were two cars involved in the accident and, thank God, nobody was injured. Our son, Andrew was borrowing the vehicle to run a couple of errands. While starting his way through the intersection E/B, he was given the green light on, the other car was coming through the intersection, S/B. We were of course grateful the occupants of both vehicles were alright, Andrew was heads-up enough to secure witnesses to substantiate he had the right-of-way.

So after using a 'rental' for several days, Donna made contact and developed some information and choices on a couple of vehicles from a dealership in Williamsville, NY. The results of this was her getting a very good deal on a White, four-door, 2010 Elantra!! She has already gotten a few miles under her belt with it~~~and feels that she has made a good choice. It had come down to an Accent, and the Elantra. The Elantra had more value-added features---including AUTO-START!!! This is nice with winter still keeping a strong grip on our Western New York month of March.

Friday 11 March 2011, was a good Friday!! While it was snowy, blustery, and cold I found myself taking in the sights and sounds of the Hamburg, NY area. With friends, the Day included a Fish-fry, visiting a friend with a dachshund, spending some time at The Fairgrounds Casino---culminating with watching local disco music artist Lance Diamond and His Ensemble, perform!!

While making my way through Hamburg looking for this highly touted recreation area called Taylor Park, I made a mistake---which had me come face-to-face with the recognition of a past foster-home experience. This would have been 1957, attending SS Peter & Paul Church and School, as a first-grader. I think it was Pine St?|?|?|?
There it was---right in front of me. And of course, back then, hamburg, NY---was a rural community.

work in progress on its two most memorable moments; actually three, of this foster-home experience|||||

Have to include Sunday, 13 March 2011 in this essay. Sunday I am attending my grand-daughter Brooke Lyn's Birthday Party at the
Cheektowaga Recreation Center. Intermittent to the party, I am scootering
over to the Rink area to watch the Youth League Saints/Grizzlies, play
hockey. This one youth, in particular, gets my attention. Wearing #2, I also
notice his last name on the back of his Saints jersey; Anastasia. Watching the way this lad was handling himself on and off the ice, I am thinking
that some day I'm going to read of his name in the Hockey News. I decide to approach a parent to inquire of this young man's first name. This starting-center's first name is shared; Austin Anastasia!!

With their first-period concluding, I return to the Birthday Party. Some of the adult males are flipping their attention between the party on the one hand, and the Sabres/Senators hockey game that is on a wall-attached plasma TV,on the other. It is at this point that I am informed of some very very sobering News. Buffalo Sabres hockey great, and the left-wing portion of the legendary FRENCH CONNECTION, Rico Martin, is dead. While details are still being put together, it appears that while behind the wheel of his vehicle, he sustains a heart attack. His vehicle crosses the E/B lane and hits some stationary objects along that curb area. He is 59 years old. Life is so immeasurably precious.

The Cycle of Life; my instincts have me seeking out and learning more of this young local hockey talent. While being part of this experience, I am also to learn of the tragic death of an Icon, in this same sports genre.
Taylor Park
The Promise

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