Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Week; some of it~~~Codified. This Journal is Shared, But Some Things Must Just Poke Me At This Point

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show...(the opening lines of David Copperfield as written by Charles Dickens;inspired by MTM). Or at least this ACCOUNT will, perhaps, have a reflection on whether I'm going to be the hero in my own life.

You want love?
We'll make it
Swim in a deep sea
Of blankets
Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be awhile~~~Your Body Is A Wonderland; John Mayer

Sunday, 20 March in the AM, have a desire to Pursue, only to be thwarted with immediate and stern disapproval.
Am asked a question, to which the answer of this question, is already known.

Monday, 21 March, in the AM, send an email that is received with outrage.

Tuesday, in the very very early hours of the morning, is a homeward-bound anticipation, finally attained.

And in the afternoon of Tuesday, 22 March I am in a telephone conversation that gives
me a sense of hope and vitality, again.

And then there is this Benefit Offset National Demonstration Program(what an acronym for a start-up-project), that I want to participate in. Participation is decided by lottery and not initiative(gggrrr); Stephanie Pennington & Carol are key operatives.

So as I'm thinking, and journal-entering for Wednesday, 23 March---about the railroads(my way to retreat)---the Tonawanda RR section near my house comes alive with an extended horn-sound. That has to be the AMTRAK Maple-Leaf Ltd, passing through!!

Also on Wednesday, comes Byron!!! No!! Not a hurricane(they have male names now)!! A hurricane would certainly have MOVED MORE.
No, this is Byron, (Brown). Brown absolutely HAS to be one of the worst mayors ever to sit in City Hall. A joke; a mockery of an office that was once held in such high esteem, that a monument of Grover Cleveland was erected adjacent to City Hall to give testimony to what the office, when served well, depicts. For those whom may not know---this Grover Cleveland is the same Grover Cleveland who was our 22nd and 24th president, of the United States. Check out this kind of Grover Cleveland rationale'. Cleveland vigorously pursued a policy barring special favors to any economic group. Vetoing a bill to appropriate $10,000 to distribute seed grain among drought-stricken farmers in Texas, he wrote: "Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the Government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character. . . . "

It is cold~~~and the snow that has been falling since the early hours of Wednesday, continues to do so throughout the day. And apparently, as Fate would have it, since it is well into March, at least in the City of Buffalo, the concept of plowing---or salting the streets, had become an "I-know-Nothing" Sargent Schultz disposition. By 5PM, there is no longer a 'silent-shroud-of-snow' on the streets. It is now a two-inch-layer of compacted; driven-over, sheet of I-AM-IN-TROUBLE-NOW snow surface. While trying to get enough momentum to get across West Eagle Street, I just open my throttle up and go for broke. There APPEARS to be no vehicles, as I'm going to bust out onto West Eagle Street, in between two parked cars. I had to. I would have never made it using the sidewalk to get to Delaware Ave, to cross at the light. With the snow on the sidewalk, even with the throttle fully open, I got in the middle of the E/B lane~~~and---got stuck. I kind of 'think' on the fly. I guess I was thinking; sure I am stuck, but the vehicle coming my way can't be going fast on these surface conditions so they can stop in time---if they have to, right!?!? I got lucky!! Two women came into the street and pushed me all the way across so I was able to get to the covered ramp, and my vehicle, safely.

Oh wait!! There is more!!

While the snowfall itself, stops---the temperatures don't. They drop appreciably throughout the night. So what snow has fallen, isn't about to melt away. Of course, with the mental midgets that occupy City Hall, it is my speculation that from Brown, on down, they all thought that that is what was going to happen.

I was so livid Thursday 24 March, in the AM, coming into my place of endeavor.
Everything that I had anticipated---did still in fact exist. I mean---there are no vehicles parked along the curbs overnight in downtown Buffalo. This area of the City, should be a plow-and-salt PR extravaganza to demonstrate that, at least to some extent, the City still has a response-engine throttled to answer the snowfall issue. Not a prayer's chance in hell!! As I am driving over the surfaces of West Eagle Street to make my way into the parking Ramp, I am already thinking, Lou~~~get ready, you are going to have your 'work' cut out for you. It takes some Fred Flintstone leg and feet kicking, but I get my scooter and myself across the street, and up the mid-street driveway, to give me access to the sidewalk and ramp to get into the building.

Getting through all this evoked an angry thought in my mind. And by the time I got upstairs, and started to 'settle-in' to my assignment area, I was now so livid, I had to open up my FACEBOOK account and post on my Wall that..."he ought to be shot, on sight!!!"

I knew I had dragged in a little snow & slush. As I was starting my endeavors and the room-temperature was starting to have its effect, I was going to find out just how much. As I am cranking away at my responsibilities, I am periodically looking over my right shoulder. Keep in mind, I'm in an area that is shared by other associates. And even though I am a little 'different', I am self-conscious to make sure this difference stays as diminished, as possible. After some time, I realize that I am going to have to take matters into my own hands. Nobody has 'said' anything yet~~~and I am not going to give anybody that chance, either!! To be honest, I have no idea where this little scooter had all this slush stored, to have what was happening, taking place. By 09:30AM, there was a four-foot diameter sitting-puddle that my scooter was in the middle of. Embarrassed?!?!? Damned Straight. It is not like I can just run to the cloak-room, throw down saw-dust absorbent, and sweep this away. It is not like we have maintenance to swing by and effect damage-control. Housekeeping is a part-time function effected by ECDSS, and welfare-to-work clients. They don't show up till 13:30PM. I'm not going to leave a semaphore like this, till the afternoon. I put my thinking-cap on and go to work. I was fortunate enough to have a large pile of recyclable porous newspaper in a container, under my desk. I laid it out, and I was very pleasantly surprised!! The puddle was starting to get absorbed, immediately. Picked the first layer up, and dropped a second. While getting back to my assignments, I let the second layer, and the room temperature have their respective effects. About an hour later, the obvious, was now virtually non-existent.

The Operations Manager has been so impressed with my conduct-under-pressure, he gave me something new to immerse myself into, to break up the routine. That made me feel accepted and appreciated.

I am going to venture this, because it is still such a 'hot' topic. And yes I agree as the representative from Virginia has stated~~~that we CANNOT be the Sheriff of the World. However, just as the Bushites are waiting for history to render the verdict on the Second Iraq War of 19 March 2003, I am going to hopefully see what History will say about Obama, and his choice to intervene within Libya. Based largely on humanity, not oil, we made a commitment to intervene militarily to aid the freedom-fighters, and their attempt to overthrow the oppressive Muammar Gaddaffi regime that has held power for 41 years. Obama made his decision largely on the input of three women. Through the United Nations “Right to Protect (R2P)” provision that was invoked by Secretary of State Clinton, National Security advisor Samantha Power, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, the President decided to take action in Libya. The freedom-fighters of Libya, are largely civilians who chose to voice their disgust against the yolk of tyranny and oppression. With them not disbanding, Gaddaffi chose the butchering and housecleaning approach to removing this 'menace' from his nation. Instead of retreating under the pressure, the protesters took up small-arms, as our minutemen did, during our American Revolution. But in this confrontation, David, and all his kinsmen, women and children, were going to get slaughtered, by Goliath. With so many other domestic and international issues on the plate, this decision has been chided by both, the typically hawkish Republicans, as well as the Democrats. Two pundits in one week have already labeled this the Goldilocks Policy.

It will all boil down to~~~TRIPOLI. No doubt, The USMC will want a Say in That matter.
The Promise

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