Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lou Marconi shared Philip L. Marconi's photo. December 27

Lou Marconi~~~~originally posted: 
December 28, 2011 · 
28 DECEMBER, 1984
USMC Cpl Philip L. Marconi is born;

Lou Marconi shared Flip Marconi's photo.
December 28, 2011 ·
Birthday~~~~~is coming-up!!!!!

I 'think' this was in Afghanistan; 2008


Coming into the world at 9lbs, 7ozs with broad shoulders, making the delivery a real adventure, Philip is born at Sister's Hospital in Buffalo, NY. Philip's notion of adventures would be a trait that would always be a part of him. Very early on, he had this sense that a uniform---made the man.


Very early on, he had this sense that a uniform---made the man. This first manifested itself in his toddler years with his enthusiasm in donning The Ghostbuster Uniform. He falls in love with the movie THE GHOSTBUSTERS~~~and his favorite action-figure is---Winston Zedmore!! The love of the movie has him desiring to wear the Ghostbuster uniform for Halloween. The uniform ends up being worn on more occasions than just Halloween.


As he gets into middle school, football captures his attention, and he ends up sporting a KAT Youth League football uniform. Philip stays affiliated with this youth league program till he gets into Kenmore-West High School. It is there that Philip, decides to get involved with the high school varsity baseball program. He is The Natural. The skill-sets for the sport are revealed almost immediately.

He is fleet-of-foot; steals bases easily. Has great hand-eye coordination; can get the meat of the bat on the ball so that he is always a threat at the plate. As Philip finishes high school, his ambitions lead him to Erie Community College. In part, it is to further his education, and in part, it is to break-into their vaulted junior-college baseball program. As Philip is going through the bumps and grinds of the first-semester, Philip is looking to make 'good' on another 'calling' that he had 'felt', since his early high-school days. On Thursday morning, 23 October 2003, at the kitchen table of his residence, in the presence of a USMC recruiter, Sgt Brown, with the commitment remark to the Sargent of; "Let's Do It,"

Philip joins the elite and well-respected USMC. After graduating from Parris Island Boot Camp in March 26, 2004, he is assigned for duty at Pensicola, FL. As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan go from shock and awe, to dismal political, and military quagmires, the Marines are called into action. This invariably has Philip, now 0311; infantry, seeing direct combat-zone action. During his tour-of-duty as an USMC, he will be deployed in 2005 to Fallujah Iraq, in 2006 to Ramadi Iraq, and in 2008 he will see combat-zone action in Garmsir Dist-Helmand Province Afghanistan.

 In November, 2008 he is honorably discharged. Additional recognition for his service is submitted from the desk of then Erie County Legislator Michele Iannello, and approved by the unanimous vote of the ERIE COUNTY LEGISLATURE. It recognized on 7 DECEMBER, 2008, and is hereby proclaimed that in ERIE COUNTY, STATE of NEW YORK, December 7th~~~hereinafter~~~is Declared USMC Cpl Philip L. Marconi DAY!!! As the official CERTIFICATION admiration and respect for Kenmore, New York's outstanding Marine. Whereas fifteen attributes were cited in the certification, it was therefore Resolved from two positions that...all here present give honor and tribute to one fine American and brave Marine,and in order to recognize this outstanding individual, the Erie County Legislature does hereby proclaim December 7th, 2008~~~Cpl Philip Marconi DAY!!! Philip is currently very actively engaged in the day-to-day affairs of civilian life.


   His birth~~~~was one hell of a story~~~~in its own right!!

Lou Marconi I was there; that LaMaze/Prepared-Child-Birthing experience.

Lou Marconi It was~~~~~for lack of another word----anxiety-ridden.





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